Perth – AUT 2019 Conference

CONFERENCE SOLD OUT. To go on the waitlist email [email protected]

Our opening Icebreaker Drinks is a separate event and still has places available – Please register here


The Perth branches of the Australasian Hydrographic Society and the SUT are excited to invite you to participate in this forever popular one-day conference… coming together for the 11th time in the series. This event has become one of the most important networking opportunities in this field, allowing you to meet with industry leaders, academics and researchers in this innovative section of subsea development. Technology advances and recent case studies of AUT equipment will be presented, providing continued professional development.

Event Flyer

Presenter Biographies

Post Event Report

Photos from the event



A1 AUT – “Opening our Eyes”

1. Commodore Chris Smith & Commander Paul Hornsby, Royal Australian Navy – Keynote Address: Sail, Steam….Autonomy? AUT’s & 21st century

2. Richard Mills, Kongsberg Maritime – Building on the X-Prize: Collaborative Unmanned Survey Capabilities

3. Mark Evans & Alex Mosnier, RHUM – Optimising Hull, Mooring and Riser ROV/UAV Inspections – An Industry Position

A2 AUT – “Bites”

4. Gilles Gardner, i-Tech 7 – Dawn of the Drone: A new method for delivering IRM services subsea

5. Geoffrey Lawes, iXblue – Long-Term Robust AUV Control using a Gyro-compassing Inertial
Navigation System

6. Richard Mills, Kongsberg Maritime – HUGIN Superior: Increased Survey Productivity

A3 AUT – “Survey Operations & Subsea Inspection”

7. David Donohue, iXblue Pty Ltd – Drix, the mapping tool of the future

8. Craig Donald, ISES & Ray Smith, DOF Subsea – AUV Pipeline Inspection: now with OFG iCP

9. Leiv Erling Grytten, FORCE Technology Norway – FiGS® – Contactless CP on AUV

10. Lex Veerhuis, Fugro – A Cloud-Based Solution to AUV Pipeline Inspection

B1 AUT – “Power & Communications”

11. Darren Burrowes, Blue Zone Group – Subsea Power Enabling New Autonomous Technology Applications

12. Morgan McDermont, Advanced Navigation –Bi-directional wireless power transmission for underwater robotics and sensing

13. Dowon Kim, Curtin University – An Inductively-coupled Wireless Power Transfer Application for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

B2 AUT – “Bites”

14. Rachel Koch, Blue Ocean Monitoring – The use of highly economic, lighter class AUV’s for shallow water infrastructure surveys

15. Aaron Leather & Hema Gunasagaran, Oceaneering – The Freedom ROV – An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Remote Piloting Using 4G Satellite Technology

16. Daniel Kruimel, Teledyne – Process Automation for Autonomous Survey Operations

B3 AUT – “Realising the Opportunities”

17. Gilles Gardner, i-Tech 7 – Enabling Autonomous Inspection Technologies to Transform IRM Operations

18. Christine Devine, Fugro – Using Simultaneous Operations of AUV and Seabed Sampling to Optimize Marine Mineral Exploration Programs

19. William J. Kirkwood, MBARI – Shearwater – A Homogenous Platform for Ocean Applications

20. Steve Duffield, Guardian Geomatics – Unmanned Surface Vessels: A recent example of the Force Multiplier effect

** Please note – if there is not a file hyperlinked above – this is because it is not approved for distribution

To express interest in our 2021 AUT Conference contact Jennifer Maninin

Perth – ETM: Technology and Strategy Enablers for Subsea Oil and Gas Tie-backs

We invite you to attend our next Evening Technical Meeting: Technology and Strategy Enablers for Subsea Oil and Gas Tie-backs on Wednesday 9th October 2019.

The evening will feature the following presentations:

1. Cladding or inhibited carbon steel for long subsea tiebacks?:
Mariano Iannuzzi – Curtin University Corrosion Centre

2. Subsea Processing Technology:
Christopher Merrick, DORIS

3. Step changes in subsea gas compression technology for Ormen Lange:
Luca Letizia – OneSubsea

4. Standardising Subsea Pumping Systems to reduce Lifecycle Cost:
Tim Nallipogu – Woodside

*Any presentations not linked have not been approved for distribution

Register now

View the flyer for more info


Thank you to Doris, One Subsea and Woodside for sponsoring this event.

Please ontact Trish Slapp for further information or Sponsorship Opportunities for this event.

Perth – SUT & SPE Golf Day

We warmly welcome you to join the Society for Underwater Technology and the Society for Petroleum Engineers for their third collaborative golf day and the industry’s Golf Season Opener.

Following the success of last year’s sold out Golf Day, we are heading back to Maylands Peninsula Golf Course to again enjoy the stunning city-scape views, and be challenged by the course’s fresh water lakes and gentle undulations.

As ever, golfers will enjoy a great day of fun and networking on the course, along with catering, drinks, driving range practice, the opportunity at a putting competition, the chance to win tremendous prizes, not to mention the golfers gift bag.


  •      10.45am – 11.45am      Driving Range available
  •      11.45am – 12.15pm       Registration & Lunch
  •      12.15pm – 12.30pm      Briefing
  •      12.30pm                         Shotgun start
  •       ~4.45pm –   5.30pm    Putting Comp &
  •       ~5.45pm  – 7.30pm     Post game drinks, Dinner & prize giving

What’s Included

* 18 holes of golf – ambrose game
* Use of driving range
* Lunch
* Motorised cart
* Refreshments throughout the day
* Dinner
* Event branded merchandise including golfers gift bag
* Chance at prizes including a $10 000 hole in one.

Thank you to our event sponsors

Perth – Introduction to Materials & Corrosion Course

This two-day course has been specifically designed for people new to subsea or unfamiliar with the various corrosion considerations which need to be applied during design, construction and operation of subsea assets.

The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the various materials and corrosion issues which are applicable to subsea structures. The choices made which impact one area of corrosion and integrity will often impact the choices in other areas, and also affect the long term inspection and monitoring which may be required to ensure the design life is met. Having a general overview of the interaction between the various factors and the impact that certain choices make and the equipment used in inspecting and monitoring the structures will provide attendees with a broad knowledge on the interaction which needs to be considered in any installation.


Click here for flyer or contact Patricia Slapp for further information.


Perth – Evening Technical Meeting: Innovations in IMR

We invite you to attend our next Evening Technical Meeting: Innovations in IMR featuring the following presentations:

  1. Fast Automated Subsea Testing:  Greg Smith – General Manager, C-Kore
  2. Remote Operations – Enabling Technologies:  Stefan Haliczenko, Remote Operations Superintendent, Fugro
  3. Subsea Deployed Acoustic Resonance Technology: Stephan Freychet – Senior Project Manager, Halfwave
  4. E-ROV System: Brett Phillips, Oceaneering

Thank you to our event sponsors C-Kore & Fugro.

*Any presentations not linked have not been approved for distribution

You can see the flyer here.

Click here to register for the event.

Contact Trish Slapp for further information.

Perth – Subsea Production Systems – Operation, Inspection and Maintenance

The operation of subsea production systems requires operation, inspection and maintenance strategies that differ considerably from their onshore counterparts. This course provides an introduction to the elements of a subsea production system and how they are operated to maximise production and protect system integrity. Additionally, presenters will explore the typical operational parameters for a subsea system, the information available during normal operation and the requirements for inspection and maintenance to mitigate the many risks posed by the both the subsea environment and the produced fluids.

If you would like to attend this course please complete the registration form below and email it to [email protected]

Subsea Production Systems – Operation, Inspection and Maintenance Flyer


Perth – Offshore Geohazards & Geotechnics Course

This one-day course explains offshore geology, geohazards and geotechnical engineering, adopting a holistic approach to show how they interact and how an improved understanding of all three  disciplines can lead to optimised infrastructure solutions. It is aimed at an audience with no or limited knowledge of geosciences.

The course will

  • Introduce the different geological environments present offshore Australia and in other regions, ranging from shallow water through to deep water.
  • explain how an integrated ground model can be used to reduce risk and increase value.
  • show best practices for the collection of data for site characterisation, design and geohazard mitigation.
  • Illustrate the geotechnical design of geotechnical infrastructure, including shallow foundations, deep foundations, anchors and pipelines, illustrated with numerous case histories.

For further information or to register please contact Trish Slapp

View or download the registration flyer.

Perth – Evening Technical Meeting: The Future of Subsea Autonomy, featuring the Royal Australian Navy

We invite you to attend our June ETM: The Future of Subsea Autonomy, featuring presentations from the Royal Australian Navy.

USV “sheep-dogging” AUV :  Lieutenant James Keane – Capability Realisation Engineer, Royal Australian Navy

Multi-domain (Air, Sea and Subsea) Unmanned Maritime System of Systems Approach to Expeditionary Mine Countermeasures: Mark Gundersen – CEO, Marine Advanced Robotics

Evaluating Autonomous Systems:  Lieutenant James Keane – Capability Realisation Engineer, Royal Australian Navy

Contact Trish Slapp for further information or Sponsorship Opportunities for this event.

View the full flyer here.

Register for the event here.

View the post-event report here.

Perth – Community Casual Catchup

The SUT Committee invite you to our   next informal casual catch up at the   Cheeky Sparrow. It will be a buy your own drinks and nibbles evening with a chance to network and engage with  your peers in the SUT Community. View the flyer here.

So we have a guide of numbers please RSVP here

Contact Trish Slapp for further information for this event.

Perth – Subsea Awareness Course

This five-day Course has been designed by industry and is suitable for contractors, engineers, operators and those new to subsea, those transferring from other disciplines within the industry and those who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a refresher course and exposure to the latest technology.

Whilst most of the course will be presented in a ‘classroom’ environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learnt.  In particular, hands-on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view software models and products destined for subsea service.

The course also hosts two site visits, taking delegates out of the classroom and into the real life subsea industry, plus a networking dinner.

For further information, sponsorship opportunities or to register please email Patricia Slapp.

Registration form including course content information.