Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast
“Is confidence returning to the Oil & Gas sector or should we refocus on diversification away from hydrocarbon for profits & growth?”
Join us on the 25th of January at the Marcliffe, Pitfodels Aberdeen
Through 2017 we have seen oil prices stabilise at around $50 a barrel and begin to creep upward towards $60. Some are calling this price range the new industry “norm”, however is this a false dawn or a genuine recovery towards a price where sustainable field development can be maintained?
Also, subsea and underwater industries seem to have recognised the need for change, innovation and the beneficial deployment of technology are once again being talked of in terms of unlocking hydrocarbon wealth. Should the subsea industry refocus and accelerate diversification into low carbon energy sectors or continue the previously trodden path as oil recovers?
These topics will delved into in January 2018 at our successful breakfast, which will take place at The Marcliffe Hotel, full breakfast from 0700 with speakers starting at 0730.
Our presenters are:
Mike Beveridge
Simmons & Co. – Managing Director
Presentation SUT Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast – Mike Beveridge Simmons 25 01 2018
This presentation will provide an update on the overall market environment within oil and gas with a focus on oil price developments, M and A trends in the oil and gas services sector, capital market valuations and corporate activity and discussion topics relevant to the subsea sector.
James Hall
WoodMac – Operations Director, Infield Wood MacKenzie
Presententation SUT Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast – James Hall Wood MacKenzie 25 01 18
The macro environment, oil price forecast and fundamentals will be presented as well as a reflection of the past 5 years and forecast for the next 5 years, looking at projects coming on-stream and the qualification of kit and services across the major off shore sectors. Short-term pricing and investments, and expectations for the supply chain by way of consolidation/optimisation/standardisation – with short term survival tactics – will be discussed.
David Rennie
Presentation SUT Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast – David Rennie 25 01 2018
Scottish Enterprise – Head of Energy Oil and Gas
This presentation shall share with you the development plan within Scottish Enterprise for the subsea sector and how the oil and gas subsea sector can diversify into other subsea sectors, not only within the UK, but build the global subsea footprint. This will be supported with case studies sharing with you who Scottish Enterprise are and how they may assist.