An Evening with…. Paul Wheelhouse MSP

Unfortunately, due to a change in Parliamentary Business, the Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy is no longer able to speak at this event.  This leaves us with no alternative but to cancel at this time.

SUT+ are pleased to welcome the Scottish Minister for Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy, Paul Wheelhouse, to speak at the next in our series of  “An Evening with…” presentations.
The aim of these events is to provide a platform for young professionals to learn from industry experts by providing informal “off the record” talks with industry leaders. These will be focused on personal professional development and current challenges the industry faces. Paul will be speaking about:

  • The decisions and events that guided his career.

  • Views on the recent downturn and on recovery.

  • Government policy and how this will shape the future of Aberdeen and the North Sea.

  • The challenges that the subsea industry faces in years to come.

  • Tips and advice for young professionals.

  • Q&A.

We hope that you can join us for this exciting event.

About Paul
Born in Belfast, Paul was raised in Edinburgh, attending Stewart’s Melville College. He has an honours degree in Economics from the University of Aberdeen and an MBA from University of Edinburgh. He has lived in Berwickshire since 2000‬.

‪Paul is a professional economist and, since 1992, had specialised in higher and further education markets, policy evaluation and economic appraisal and impact assessment of capital projects.‬

Between May 2011 and September 2012 Paul served on the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee, and the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee. And was the Parliamentary Liaison Officer to the Cabinet Secretary for Parliamentary Business and Government Strategy of the Scottish Government. Previously, between May 2011 and Feb 2012, Paul served as Parliamentary Liaison Officer for the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment and the Minister for Climate Change.‬

Prior to taking his Ministerial position Paul was a member of cross-party groups on Epilepsy, Rural Policy, Armed forces Veterans, Funerals and Bereavement, Boating and Marine Tourism and deputy convener of Sport.

South West – Offshore Floating Wind – Design and Installation – REGISTRATIONS NOW CLOSED

Credit: Green Giraffe



“Seizing the opportunity of floating wind”

Speaker: Alex Louden ORE Catapult

This high-level look at the floating offshore wind industry will consider what has been achieved to date, and provide a brief overview of the key commercial risks facing the industry in different markets. This will include presenting some of the findings of the EU H2020 project “Lifes 50+” which aims to facilitate offshore wind in water depths greater than 50m, in part, by developing a methodology for evaluating and qualifying the commercial and technical risks associated with floating wind.


Alex Louden joined ORE Catapult in September 2017 having completed his MSc in Renewable Energy and Environmental Modelling. This built upon Alex’s background in Environmental Science giving him a holistic understanding of renewable energy technologies and the wider energy transition.

Alex’s role as Innovation manager sees him building relationships with a number of stakeholder types such as SMEs and academic partners. Through attending events, conferences, and developing strategies for engaging with stakeholders he is involved in building collaborative projects to contribute to de-risking technology and reducing costs in the offshore renewable energy industry.


“Scaling factor in floating wind structures: is bigger better?”

Speaker: Peter Kingsland, Principal Consultant


Peter joined Longitude in 2010 working as a Naval Architect and structural engineer based in Exeter.  Prior to this Peter worked in a UK ship yard as a Naval Architect for steel ship design and construction within the commercial, private and militarily sectors.  Since joining Longitude Peter has performed a large variety of analyses including hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, cable lay, stability, mooring and structural scopes.  Peter has been responsible for developing Longitude UK’s offering of Site Specific analyses working closely with geotechnical engineers to provide cohesive reports on jackup/seabed interaction and foundation capacities.  Peter is a subject matter expert for several design and analysis packages include MOSES, OrcaFlex, FEMAP, SACS and STAAD Pro and is currently the Principal Naval Architect at Longitude Exeter with responsibility for the technical output of the Naval Architecture department.



A brief overview of the key considerations for scaling offshore floating wind devices primarily considering the pay off between electrical yield and the complexity/ cost of construction, transportation and instillation of ever larger floating substructures and their moorings.


“Subsea cable installation: the differences between fixed and floating wind”

Speaker: Roberto Longo, Senior Consultant


Roberto has been working in the offshore industry for more than 8 years. In the last four years he has been working for Longitude Consulting Engineers, specialising in cable installation study and working on several Offshore Wind Farm projects and he is currently leading the cable installation team. He studied Naval Architecture at the University of Genoa (Italy).

After his studies he spent 1 year working as research assistant at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (DICAT, University of Genoa) working on the development of numerical codes for the statistical analysis of extreme load of wind exposed structures. He then worked for 4 years as

Naval Architect at the Registro Italiano Naval (RINA, Italian Naval Register) focusing in the design and verification of offshore floating structure.

The presentation will provide an overview of the subsea cable installation operations and of the dynamic analysis that need to be carried as part of the installation procedure preparation. Main differences between fixed and offshore floating wind turbine operations will be discussed.


“A Method for Cost and Risk Reduction in offshore Wind Cable Installation”

Speaker: Dr Rachel Nicholls-Lee MEng CEng MRINA CMarEng MIMarEST MWES

Rachel is the founder and director of Whiskerstay, a company offering naval architecture and marine engineering consultancy.

She is a Chartered Engineer with extensive experience in the marine renewable energy and yacht design sectors.  As a result, she is an author of over 40 publications in both international conferences and journals covering aspects of composite technology, offshore renewables and novel vessel design.  Having performed several years of research into the field of composites in the marine industry, she is highly qualified in the use of such materials for innovative applications from morphing blades through to composite foundations for subsea structures and lightweight vessels. She has considerable experience in project management, design and development of marine vessels and structures; not least superyachts, tidal turbines, wave energy devices, subsea cable stability and platforms for operation in extreme environments.


“Managing Operational Risk for Subsea Power Cables with Dynamic Sections for Floating Offshore Wind Projects”

Speakers: Tony Zymelka and Maria Calle Martinez (BPP)

The presentation will introduce the basic design differences between subsea static cables and dynamic power cables necessary for floating energy devices. It will compare the various mooring options that should be considered when designing the installation methodology for the dynamic cables. These being to ensure that the cables do not have their critical cable handling parameters compromised during installation or operation.  Operational risk will be discussed. This being particularly with respect to the commercial procurement models that are used in the renewable energy sector. Risk profiles will be postulated together with ways to ameliorate them so as to ensure that project risks and costs are according to ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable)

Maria is a staff engineer with BPP experienced in the energy, marine, and insurance sectors. Her background includes a Master’s degree in Electronics and Automation Engineering. She has significant experience in the design and testing of marine powercables, project management and commissioning, as well as risk and surveys of assets – often in remote locations. This expertise is more frequently being applied by her to marine renewable projects (principally offshore wind). Her experience with forensic analysis is typically applied to providing improvements in future designs – as well as in support in legal disputesprinciples.


“Dynamic Mooring Systems for Floating Offshore Wind: Overview, Load Modelling & Testing”

Speaker: Dr Philipp Thies

The mooring system for a floating offshore wind turbine ensures that the platform stays within pre-defined station keeping limits during operation, while it provides sufficient restraining forces in storm events to guarantee survival. This presents a challenge during the design process, since the cost of the mooring system is proportional to the peak loads, i.e. those that occur infrequently in extreme conditions. Mooring designs are governed by extreme and fatigue loads which determine the required Minimum Breaking Load (MBL) of the system. If uncertainties in the environmental loading or hydrodynamic coupled response are present, additional safety factors are required.

This presentation will give an overview of innovative mooring components that aim to reduce peak and fatigue loads through non-linear line stiffness characteristic that cannot be achieved with conventional designs. The potential benefits will be shown through coupled numerical simulations of Floating Offshore Wind platform dynamics and mooring loads. The mooring properties that have been validated by physical component tests for several prototypes will also be presented.

Dr Philipp R. Thies is a Senior Lecturer in Renewable Energy in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences (CEMPS) at the University of Exeter. He holds a Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. degree in Energy- and Environmental Energy from the University of Flensburg (Germany) and a PhD in Renewable Energy from the University of Exeter (UK).

His research interest lies in the reliability engineering of renewable energy technologies with a focus on offshore energy. He has developed novel component reliability testing approaches, Bayesian statistical analysis approaches for situations of data uncertainty and has been deeply involved in several national and international research and industry-led projects seeking to technology demonstration in the field and at large-scale in the lab. His work has aligned computational modelling with application driven design improvements and extensive planning, execution and evaluation of component reliability and testing campaigns.


“Understanding site-specific wind conditions during marine heavy lift operations with state-of-the-art weather forecasts and lidar anemometry”.

Speaker: Mr Leo Hume-Wright, Wind Energy Specialist with Met Office Energy Science team.

In June 2017 the Met Office provided weather forecast services to Saipem UK Ltd during the operation of the Saipem 7000 crane ship as it conducted mating operations for Equinor (formerly Statoil) and Masdar’s Hywind floating wind farm project in Stord, Norway.  As well as an on-board meteorologist and standard products including Tab&Graph, SafeVoyage, SafeSee, etc, the Met Office provided a site-specific long-term summertime wind climatology and verified probabilistic wind forecasts at height that had been bias-corrected against the observations of a quayside remote sensing lidar anemometer.  This talk will describe the work completed to provide these, the forecast correction and verification results that assisted in the setting of wind alpha factors, some features of the directional measured wind profiles, and the forecast intervention services provided by the on-board Met Office meteorologist.

This is a free event however pre-registration is essential.

Exeter is a great location for travel, only 2 hours by fast direct trains from Paddington (it’s closer but a bit slower from Falmouth and very picturesque!).   There are also daily FlyBe flights from London City and Southend.  It is also only 90 miles from Bristol or Truro via the M5 or A30 and 110 miles from Southampton via the A35 or A303, if you prefer.  The Premier Inn and Holiday Inn Express hotels are just around the corner from the Met Office, if you want to stay over

Parking is available.

SUT+ Pub Quiz

Only £20 per team of 4 people!

Come and test your knowledge at our annual SUT+ Pub Quiz on Thursday 8th February at The Wig on Castle Street in Aberdeen.

Finally February is on the horizon along with its much overdue payday and what better way to celebrate the conclusion of a lean and dry January by heading along with your mates to The Wig for the SUT+ Pub Quiz.

The night will see all entry proceeds put towards cash prizes, with the obligatory wooden spoon awarded. The Wig have kindly offered to supply a bar buffet to help power those brains for the duration of the quiz.

The Quiz will see teams of 4 competing across a variety of rounds from General Knowledge to Sports and Game of Thrones to Industry Specific rounds.

Therefore go and develop a well-balanced team of colleagues, fellow students or friends from across the industry. All are welcome for what promises to be an entertaining night of Quizzing!

The event will start at 19:00 and there will be an opportunity to network afterwards.

With thanks to The Wig Aberdeen!

Subsea Expo

Attracting over 5,000 delegates and around 150 exhibitors, Subsea Expo is the world’s largest subsea exhibition and conference and is completely free to attend.

If you are interested in exhibiting, sponsoring, presenting or attending please email

For follow-up on last year’s Expo (pictures, presentations, stats, etc.) please check the Subsea UK past events page. You can also download the Subsea Expo Roundup (pdf) to see the data and facts from last year’s exhibition.

Please click here for more information.


SUT will be at stand 155, hope to see you there.  


London & South of England Lunch and Learn – Global Offshore Prospects

Energy research and consulting group Westwood Global Energy continue their renowned “Global Offshore Prospects” series of presentations focussing on future oilfield services sector spend and highlighting key leading indicators of activity, considering the outlook and timing for recovery.

Arindam Das,  Kathryn Symes and Mark Adeosun will present the firm’s outlook for the next five years and consider both the near-term macroeconomic outlook and specific sector drivers for a variety of offshore energy business services and equipment lines.

Arindam Das is a Director in Westwood Global Energy’s London office and responsible for leading consulting engagements throughout the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region. Arindam started his career as a Logging While Drilling (LWD) Field Engineer with Baker Hughes in the US Gulf of Mexico. Over the last ten years Arindam’s experience includes Energy Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and Principal Investments with a particular focus on the EMEA region. Arindam’s international work experience encompasses India, USA, UK and Canada. Arindam holds a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University and a MBA (Finance) from Queen’s University in Canada.

 Kathryn Symes sits within the Westwood Global Energy OFS team, primarily engaging in bespoke consultancy / advisory projects, including due diligence analysis for the firm’s transaction services. Since joining the firm, she has conducted detailed research covering many sectors in the oil & gas supply chain, with a focus on the FPSO, offshore MMO and subsea vessel markets and was lead author of the Offshore Accommodation Market Forecast 2015-2020. Most recently Kathryn supported the commercial due diligence process for an independent pure-play ROV operator. Kathryn graduated from Queen Mary University of London with an Honours degree in Economics.

Mark Adeosun is part of the research team at Westwood Global Energy. Since joining the firm in 2013, Mark has authored several of the firm’s offshore industry market report and he is actively involved in conducting high-level research, data collation and modelling of various oil & gas projects. Mark is the lead Analyst for Westwood’s ‘World Deepwater Report’, as well as the ‘Subsea Vessel Operations and Hardware Market Forecast’. He has expertise in market modelling and analysis, with focus on offshore drilling, subsea vessels and hardware installation activities. Mark holds a BSc degree in Geology and a Master’s degree from the University of South Wales in Geographic Information Systems.


 This is a free event although booking is essential.

Registration 12.00pm – Presentations 12.30pm – Lunch 1.30pm

Many thanks to our hosts Braemar.

North of England Evening Meeting – Tubulars in Subsea Applications

Effect of JCO-E pipe manufacturing process on deep-offshore pipeline structural performance

Presented by: Spyros A. Karamanos, Professor and Chair of Structural Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Large-diameter thick-walled steel pipes during their installation in deep-water are subjected to external pressure, which may trigger structural instability due to excessive pipe ovalization, with catastrophic effects. The resistance of offshore pipes against this instability depends on imperfections and residual stresses, introduced by the line pipe manufacturing process. In this presentation, the JCO-E pipe manufacturing process, a commonly adopted process for producing large-diameter thick offshore pipes  is presented. It examines the effect of JCO-E line pipe manufacturing process on the external pressure resistance of the pipes, candidates for deep-water applications. A quasi-two-dimensional structural finite element model is employed, together with a coupled thermo-mechanical model for simulating the welding process.  Spyros  A. Karamanos  is Professor and Chair of Structural Engineering, at the School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, since August 2016. He teaches courses in Structural Mechanics and Finite Element Methods. He is also a Professor of Computational Structural Mechanics at the University of Thessaly, Greece, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering.


Spyros specializes in structural mechanics and integrity of energy infrastructure systems, withemphasis on steel structures. His research interests focus on buckling and fatigue of pipelines and offshore structures, mainly tubular components and systems, using computational (finite element) methods, and experimental testing. His research has been funded primarily by European research projects, with the participation of European steel and pipeline industry. He has published more than 180 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings.

Key aspects of umbilical design and manufacturing

Presented by: Steven Frazer, Product Design Manager, Technip Umbilical Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Umbilical technology creates the link between topside and subsea equipment, offering Control, Power, Communication and Injection functionality; as a result, the umbilical product comes in multiple forms and has key considerations which steer the design of the product to ensure it is fit for purpose throughout the product lifecycle.

This talk will outline the different umbilical products, their function, manufacturing techniques and the key drivers and challenges faced during the design and engineering phases, with focus placed on the Steel Tube Umbilicals.

Steven Frazer is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with over 10 years’ experience in the umbilical technology. He graduated from Northumbria University with a first class degree in mechanical engineering before taking the role as development engineer at TUL (or DUCO at the time). He spent the first 7 years of his career in R&D working on the full range of umbilical technologies while also studying for his master in subsea engineering and management at Newcastle University. Three years ago, he moved into the project execution side of the business, taking the post of Product Design Manager responsible for Engineering on all TUL projects.

Registration & refreshments 18:00, AGM & talk 18:30, followed by networking


London & South of England Evening Meeting – Global Offshore Prospects

Energy research and consulting group Westwood Global Energy continue their renowned “Global Offshore Prospects” series of presentations focussing on future oilfield services sector spend and highlighting key leading indicators of activity, considering the outlook and timing for recovery.

Steve Robertson, Matt Cook and Matt Adams will present the firm’s outlook for the next five years and consider both the near-term macroeconomic outlook and specific sector drivers for a variety of offshore energy business services and equipment lines.


Presentation Global Offshore Prospects Westwood Global Energy Group 18 01 2018


Steve Robertson

Steve joined Westwood in 2002. He has led the firm’s industry-leading research in regions such as Russia and the Middle East and many technology areas including oilfield services, drilling markets, field development, floating production, helicopter services and subsea processing. He has held a number of roles in Westwood’s OFS business including managing MENA Consulting, OFS Research and served on the Board of predecessor company Douglas-Westwood between 2009 and 2014. He now heads Westwood’s worldwide OFS Research & Consulting activities. Steve is a graduate in Economics & Computing and completed an MBA at the University of Kent & Canterbury Business School.

Matt Cook

Matt joined Westwood after graduating from Imperial College’s Royal School of Mines with a Geology BSc. His role has included custom research and analysis for the OFS and financial sectors and more recently developing the firm’s suite of research offerings. Matt now leads the Westwood SECTORS Drilling & Production team in further developing and enhancing the analytics and online tool ‘Sectors’.

Matt Adams

Matt joined Westwood after graduating from the University of Kent with a BSc (Hons) in Economics. Prior to completion of his degree, Matt spent a period of time working in the International Climate Change team at DECC as part of the Government Economic Service. Since joining Westwood, Matt has been lead author of numerous industry reports, covering Oilfield Equipment, Drilling & Well Services, Downstream Maintenance, Offshore MMO, Offshore Wind, Offshore Helicopters and the Macroeconomic outlook. Based in Faversham, Kent, Matt specialises in economic modelling and market forecasting, and has a keen working interest and knowledge of oilfield engineering and equipment application.

The Huxley room 341 is on the 3rd floor of the Huxley building (which is on ground level if you enter via the walkway from College Main entrance). If you enter via Queen’s Gate then you just need to go up the stairs and you are on level 3, you then turn left to the back of the stairs and around the corner. The Huxley building can be accessed directly from Queens Gate (180 Queens Gate).

South West – The Rise of the (Integrated) Machines

The second meeting for SUT South West  “The Rise of the (Integrated) Machines” – Autonomous Vessels and Vehicles in Marine and Subsea Applications will start at 6.30pm and will be Chaired by Brian Green


  • ORE Catapult on marine renewable energy applications

  • ASV Global on integrated ASVs/AUVs/AAVs in renewables, defence and general marine applications

Presenter: Dan Hook, CEng, MRINA
Dan Hook is a qualified Naval Architect and Chartered Engineer with over 15 years’ experience in the unmanned marine industry. Upon graduating from the University of Southampton, Dan joined Seaspeed Marine Consulting as a Naval Architect in 2002 before moving onto the position of Technical Director in 2007. During his time at Seaspeed, Dan specialised in unmanned platform and high speed craft design and consultancy.

Prior to his recent new role as Senior Director (UK) – Business Development, Dan held the position of Managing Director at ASV Global, a company at the forefront of developments in unmanned marine systems for the Military, Offshore Energy, and Science and Survey Industries. Dan has built a vibrant team of naval architects, engineers and robotics experts, seeing the company grow from 3 people to over 100 in just seven years. During this time the team have delivered over 90 Unmanned Systems to commercial and defence customers in the UK and all over the world.

As well as his role at ASV Global, Dan maintains an active role in industry. He is currently the Chairman of the Maritime Autonomous Systems (MAS) Council run by the Society of Maritime Industries, and is a member of the Solent Marine and Maritime Steering Group.

Presenter: Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor is a qualified Naval Architect with over 6 years’ experience in the marine industry.   Upon graduating from the University of Southampton in 2012, Ruth joined Babcock International, Plymouth, as a Graduate Engineer later moving into the position of Maintenance Engineer.

Joining ASV Global in 2015 and drawing on her core engineering skills, Ruth has quickly developed through the company and is currently a Product Manager responsible for delivering science, research and development products and projects to the market.

  • Seiche on their Autonaut and data gathering

  • Plymouth University’s Autonomous Systems Group on various integrated technologies

  • MSubs on AUVs and (Mayflower) ASVs in various applications

Presenter: Paddy Dowsett, Mayflower Programme Manager at MSubs Ltd
Paddy Dowsett works for MSubs Ltd which specialises in the design and construction of manned and autonomous undersea systems.  He has a broad portfolio of responsibilities which includes Business Development, Security and the Programme Manager for an autonomous ship that will cross the Atlantic in 2020.  Prior to joining, Paddy spent most of his career at sea.  He initially joined the Royal Navy as a technician and was later commissioned as a Warfare Officer.  Like all military careers, no sooner had he become vaguely proficient in one discipline, he was moved on. Thus, his career spanned numerous sea going appointments, including two years in the Far East, as well as ashore in the RN’s sea training and HR organisations.  He was fortunate enough to Command HMS NORTHUMBERLAND and is an honours graduate of the US’ Joint Advanced Warfighting School.  After finishing at sea, he spent two years with the UK’s high readiness HQ as the Middle East Lead, getting to know Sana’a, Bagdad and Erbil better than either he or his wife, Kate, would have wanted

Presenter: Phil Johnston, AutoNaut USV
Phil Johnston has a background working at sea as an offshore environmental consultant. Working mainly in the oil & gas industry, but also defence and marine renewables, he specialised in the effects of underwater man-made noise on sea-life. Phil now leads business development for AutoNaut USV.

Presenter: Stephanie Mann ORE Catapult Innovation Manager
Stephanie Mann is an Innovation Manager in the Research and Disruptive Innovation department at the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult. She has a particular interest in novel technologies that could potentially disrupt the renewable energy sector. These include autonomous systems, floating wind, airborne wind, and hybrid systems. Through her time at ORE Catapult, she has used her technical skills and industry contacts to scope future collaborations between SMEs, industry and academia. Currently she is working on various programmes that support Small Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) on the path to commercialisation, including the Marine-i project and SME High Growth Platform.

Prior to joining the Catapult, Stephanie came to the end of a four-year EngD with the Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (Idcore), working especially with novel wind in the data science team at E.ON. She is currently completing her thesis on yield methodologies and resource assessment for airborne wind.



Parking is available

This is a free event however pre-registration is essential.

Aberdeen Evening Geoforum – The Next Generation of Suction Installed Foundations

The SUT OSIG committee is pleased to announce an evening Geoforum event to be hosted at Lloyd’s Register in Aberdeen.  The Geoforum will focus on recent developments on suction installed foundations in the Offshore Oil & Gas and Renewables industries with presenters from industry and academia.  The event will run as follows:


17:30: Event registration/ refreshments.

18:00 to 19:00: Four presentations from Subsea 7, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Neodrill and the University of Western Australia.

19:00 to 20:00: Networking event with finger buffet.

20:00: Event Close.


Notes: Car parking is available on-site.  Dial in through Skype will be possible but will be limited to groups of people. Requests for dial in details should be made to [email protected].

All attendees must register beforehand.