Subsea Awareness Course – Aberdeen

Do you want to know about Subsea Technology and Operations?

Understanding the full lifecycle of a subsea, oil and gas, production field development from Inception through to Decommissioning – then the SUT’s Subsea Awareness Course is geared towards YOU.

The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) delivers a foundation level Subsea Awareness Course (SAC) that is suitable for personnel from the Operators, the Contractors and other interested organisations, for example; Legal, Finance and Engineering Houses.
This course provides underpinning knowledge for new entrants in the subsea sector of the offshore energy industry, as well as offering a refresher for experienced professionals seeking to update their knowledge.

Course Description
The course is delivered by experienced personnel from across the sector from Operators, Contractors and Technology Suppliers, many of whom are recognised Technical Authorities (TA), and address’ the complete lifecycle of a subsea asset; looking at design, installation, commissioning production operations and the ultimate decommissioning from reservoir to export.
The course offers a balance of classroom and site visits to manufacturing plants/factories, thereby providing a broad spectrum of opportunity to engage from our highly experienced and respected industry personnel, sharing their knowledge.

  • This five-day course was originally developed by the Operator community to address growing skills gaps, which due to its success was transferred to the Society of Underwater Technology in the early 1990’s as the industry learned society for the subsea sector; a non-profit making organisation. Since then, the SAC has been developed and refreshed to reflect the technological developments over the period and is geared for industry personnel who wish to expand their knowledge of subsea systems within the offshore and subsea sector
  • The modules are delivered by experienced personnel from Operators, Contractors and Technology System Suppliers to offer a broad perspective of the sector, many industry Technical Authorities – sharing their knowledge.
  • The course is especially relevant for new entrants to the subsea sector but can also be invaluable to those transferring from other disciplines within the industry, or personnel who have worked in subsea earlier in their career and appreciate the benefit to be had from a refresher course that includes exposure to the latest technological advances from Reservoir to Export.

For more information click here

To book this event please email [email protected]



The site visits were excellent, and the hosts were very knowledgeable.  This really enriched the learning experience”. “Personally, a very good course which really filled in the gaps for me.  I would highly recommend this to others”

K Watt, Chevron


“All in all the course contents was excellent and very relevant. The days felt the right length and the questions form fellow delegates facilitated some very intense discussions”

J Gault, OneSubsea


We recognise the value of the SUT’s Subsea Awareness Course, which is listed as one of the training options of our global graduate programme for Subsea Engineers.

Luis Cosme, Global Discipline Head Pipelines, Flow Assurance & Subsea, Shell



Perth – Industry Update & Barefoot Bowls

Post event report

The SUT Community is invited to this SUT event which has been proudly organised by the YES! (Young Engineers & Scientists) Committee.

Featuring an up-to-date talk by industry experts IHS Markit on the current state of oil and gas demand, subsea industry activity and upcoming projects in Australia along with an evening of barefoot bowls.

Click here for flyer

Sponsorship opportunities are available for this event, please contact Jennifer Maninin for further details.

To view all photos from this event click here.

Aberdeen Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast

Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast

 “Is confidence returning to the Oil & Gas sector or should we refocus on diversification away from hydrocarbon for profits & growth?”

Join us on the 25th of January at the Marcliffe, Pitfodels Aberdeen

Through 2017 we have seen oil prices stabilise at around $50 a barrel and begin to creep upward towards $60. Some are calling this price range the new industry “norm”, however is this a false dawn or a genuine recovery towards a price where sustainable field development can be maintained?

Also, subsea and underwater industries seem to have recognised the need for change, innovation and the beneficial deployment of technology are once again being talked of in terms of unlocking hydrocarbon wealth.  Should the subsea industry refocus and accelerate diversification into low carbon energy sectors or continue the previously trodden path as oil recovers?

These topics will delved into in January 2018 at our successful breakfast, which will take place at The Marcliffe Hotel,  full breakfast from 0700 with speakers starting at 0730.

Our presenters are:

Mike Beveridge  

Simmons & Co. – Managing Director

Presentation  SUT Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast – Mike Beveridge Simmons 25 01 2018

This presentation will provide an update on the overall market environment within oil and gas with a focus on oil price developments, M and A trends in the oil and gas services sector, capital market valuations and corporate activity and discussion topics relevant to the subsea sector.

James Hall

WoodMac – Operations Director, Infield Wood MacKenzie

Presententation SUT Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast – James Hall Wood MacKenzie 25 01 18

The macro environment, oil price forecast and fundamentals will be presented as well as a reflection of the past 5 years and forecast for the next 5 years, looking at projects coming on-stream and the qualification of kit and services across the major off shore sectors. Short-term pricing and investments, and expectations for the supply chain by way of consolidation/optimisation/standardisation – with short term  survival tactics – will be discussed.

David Rennie

Presentation SUT Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast – David Rennie 25 01 2018

Scottish Enterprise – Head of Energy Oil and Gas

This presentation shall share with you the development plan within Scottish Enterprise for the subsea sector and how the oil and gas subsea sector can diversify into other subsea sectors, not only within the UK, but build the global subsea footprint. This will be supported with case studies sharing with you who Scottish Enterprise are and how they may assist.




Oceans of Opportunity The Underwater World of Science and Technology

Shire Schools – morning session 1000 – 1200
City Schools – afternoon sessions 1300 -1500
Private Schools – afternoon sessions 1300 – 1500


Did you know?
The oceans cover over 70% of our planet. We are all dependent on them for food, transport and vital resources. They affect our weather and even our future as a species. Yet most of us are unaware of the cutting-edge developments in underwater technology, or the science it is based on, largely because it is hidden from view.

SUT looks forward to welcoming Aberdeen City, Shire & Private Schools to this exciting annual event aimed at P7 school children to learn more about the careers opportunities that our oceans have to offer. Each session will include a structured mix of audio-visual presentations by leading industry experts from a range of underwater science and technology backgrounds.

Seashore to Sea Floor -presented by Macduff Marine Aquarium
Have you ever dipped your toes into the North Sea? It may be cold, but these waters are fi lled with amazing sea beasties, from tiny swimming plants to large toothy predators. Seashore to Sea fl oor will take you on a journey from the tidal shores, through the fringing kelp forests and down to the dark sea floor to discover the incredible life that hides beneath the waves.

Energy transition – presented by Statoil
Fundamental changes are happening in our industry. More energy will be needed every year to support growing populations worldwide. At the same time, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced. Exciting challenges lie ahead! In the UK, Statoil is embracing the energy transition with activities in oil, gas and offshore wind. Hear more about how new technologies, digitalisation and some bright minds will be needed more than ever to shape the future of energy.

Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV’s) – presented by ROVOP & school pupils who participated in the ROV MATE competition – What ROV’s are – Why they exist – What they are used for – What jobs there are in the ROV industry


The event is free to attend but places must be booked in advance by contacting:
Jacqui Adams
Enterprise Centre,
Exploration Drive
Bridge of Don Aberdeen
AB23 8GX
01224 823 637
email: [email protected]

Aberdeen Branch AGM & Dinner


19:00 Drinks reception

19:30 Call to dinner

19:40 Housekeeping announcements

19:50 Chairman’s welcome speech and Branch Annual Report

20:00 Dinner, followed by a game of Heads and Tails

After dinner there will be speeches, followed by drinks and networking. Carriages no later than 00:30.

Dress Code – Black tie



Ballotine of Salmon

Beetroot cured, hot smoked, golden beetroot dressing,

warm crab toast

Roast Breast of Chicken

Stuffed with black pudding, savoy cabbage,

Pomme Anna, honey roasted roots

Caramel Collection

Salted caramel tart, warm caramel sponge, panacotta,

toffee fudge ice cream

Coffee and Tea

Please contact SUT in advance if you have any special dietary requirements

Click here for the flyer

London & South East Evening Meeting – Subsea Boosting Systems

Aker Solutions will provide an overview of the latest technology developments in their Subsea Boosting Systems; this will include an outline of the boosting portfolio and related features, and some highlights from recent tests in their full-scale multi-phase test loop.

Presenter Marco Gabelloni, Business Development Director for Aker Solutions


Registration: 5.30pm Presentations: 6pm followed by cheese and wine


With thanks to our sponsors Aker Solutions

North of England Evening Meeting – Technical challenges encountered during the Costa Concordia wreck removal

Technical challenges encountered during the Costa Concordia wreck removal

Presented by: Paris Mangriotis, Engineering Director London Offshore Consultants Limited

The Costa Concordia wreck removal operation has been unique in terms of scale, technical complexity, number of stakeholders and cost.

The presentation mirrors LOC’s extensive involvement with the project over a five year period.   It follows each phase from initial response immediately after the sinking through to selection of the removal method and contractor, parbuckling, refloating, recycling and eventually restoration of the environmentally sensitive wreck site.

The focus will be on the technical challenges of refloating the damaged 45,000 tonne wreck and transporting it safely for recycling.  The reasons for the choice of method and subsequent impact on all aspects of the project will be summarised.

Paris Mangriotis is a Naval Architect and Engineering Director at the London office of London Offshore Consultants where he works with a team involved in marine claims, casualties, engineering analysis and surveys.

During his eleven years with LOC Paris has experience of representing Owners’ Interests in a technical advisory and project management role on a number of wreck removals.  He has been involved in invitations to tender, bid assessment and contractor recommendations for significant wreck removals in recent years.  Between 2012 and 2014 Paris was the project manager for LOC who represented Owners and Insurers in the Costa Concordia wreck removal.

Paris has carried out assessments of salvage risks and dangers as part of salvage arbitration process and provides salvors with on-site and office based emergency response advice.  He has appeared before arbitration tribunals in London to give expert evidence in naval architecture matters.

Prior to his career with LOC Paris worked for Lloyd’s Register of Shipping as a classification and technical investigations surveyor.  He is a Chartered Naval Architect and Member of Royal Institution of Naval Architects.

Registration & refreshments 18:00, AGM & talk 18:30, followed by a light buffet & networking

Please click here for the flyer

Offshore and Subsea Operations Awareness Course

Even by 2020, it is estimated that 70% of primary energy consumed in the UK will still come from oil and gas, much of which will come from offshore locations. With increasing water depths comes the need for advanced technical solutions to enhance safety whilst containing ever rising costs.

This is an intensive one-day course designed to acquaint people with the important aspects of offshore oil and gas and subsea operations.

Who should attend?
This course is suitable for all professionals working in non-technical roles that are associated with the offshore oil and gas, underwater technology and subsea engineering sectors

Course presenter
Bob Summers (Membership of Society of Operations Engineers, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, Society for Underwater Technology)

Please click here for the flyer