NASA in Aberdeen – Inspiring the Next Generation to Mars and Beyond

NASA Space “Discovery” and the use of Robotics in exploring
Mars and beyond.

Come along to this exciting presentation, To Mars and Beyond at Robert Gordon’s College and discover how robotics are used by NASA to explore the red planet.

This talk will be delivered by Mason Markee, Robotics Engineer for NASA who will discuss the significant role played by robotics in NASA’s future missions back to the Moon, Mars and beyond. While NASA has its sights set on the stars, many of these robotic inventions have benefits to everyday life on Earth including sideways driving electric cars, search & rescue humanoids, and close to home, inspection robots for decommissioning the North Sea’s Brent rigs.

Mason will be joined by astronaut Bob Cenker who flew on space shuttle Columbia on STS 61-C. Bob will discuss his flight experience and life in space.

Venue: MacRobert Hall,
Robert Gordon’s College,
Schoolhill, Aberdeen
AB10 1FE

Date: Friday 23 March 2018

Time: 7.00 – 8.30pm
Price: £3

Buy your tickets by phone through Aberdeen Box Office on 01224 641122 (Mon – Sat, 9.30am – 6pm), online at or in person at Aberdeen
Box Office.

Click to download the flyer NASA in Aberdeen – Public Lecture 2018

Perth – OSIGp Selections of London Conference

Post event report

This event featured an OSIGp selection of papers by Perth-based presenters from the 2017 OSIG Smarter Solutions for Future Offshore Developments Conference held in London in September 2017.

The following presentations were featured at the event:

Click here for flyer.

For further information contact Sam Stanier

To view all photos from this event click here.

All-Energy 2018

All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable energy event, will take place in Glasgow on 2nd & 3rd May 2018. Join us to hear from 400+ experts from across all sectors of the renewable industry in 50+ FREE conference sessions. Network with 7,500+ renewable energy professionals at one of the many networking events happening over the two days.

For more details and to book please click here: All Energy 2018

Oceanology London 2018- Workshop MetOcean Forecast Advances

Oceanology London 2018 – Workshop



10:00-10:05 Welcome and Opening Remarks , Stephen Hall, SUT

10:05-10:35 Metocean challenges facing the marine energy sector

Industry Perspective

Overview of present/planned industry operations;

• Present decision-making approach and what more we need from marine forecasts?


10:35-11:05 Wave modelling developments Dr Andy Saulter, Met Office

• Development of Spherical Multi-Cell grid (+ recent model upgrades );

• Development of the Atlantic-UK Wave Ensemble Prediction System;

• Plans for UK model developments;


11:05-11:35 Strategies for optimising operational decisions using probabilistic marine forecasts, Dr Edward Steele, Met Office

• Using relative economic value of forecasts to determine when a user must take action upon it;

• Using weather pattern typology to simplify the early identification of calm weather windows for local operations;


 11:35-12:05 Beyond weather: applications of climate data within an offshore context. Dr Nicolas Fournier, Met Office

• Overview and results from Copernicus Climate Change Service CLIM4ENERGY project;

• Plans and progress with ongoing European research projects focused on marine sector;


12:05-12:15 Questions & Discussion

The Metocean Forecast Advances session will be followed by a networking lunch, hosted by the South West England Chapter of the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)


12:15-12:30 Chief Executive’s Welcome, Stephen Hall, SUT


12:30-13:30 Lunch & Networking.

Perth – YES! Site Visit Subcon, ACEPT and Farstad

Click here for the post-event report.

Click here for the flyer.

The YES! Committee organised a Site Visit to experience life as a plant operator at ACEPT; Learn about the importance of artificial reefs at Subcon and see them in action with a snorkel at the Coogee Maritime trail; Tour of the Farstad facility and their offshore simulators and DP lab.

Contact Naomi Naveh for further information.

To view all photos from this event click here.


Perth – Leadership and Innovation: An Evening with Mike Utsler

On 15th May, the SUT YES! Committee hosted a leadership night with Mike Utsler as the keynote speaker. The sold out event saw Mike Utsler talk about his position as the incident commander of BP’s Deepwater Horizon spill response, reflecting on the key lessons surrounding innovation and leadership.

Unfortunately we are unable to publish his presentation due to approval challenges, however you can read the post event report here

Contact [email protected] for further details.

To view all photos from this event click here.

Perth – Phoenix Casual BBQ

SUT Phoenix would like to invite you and your family to the Perth – Phoenix Casual BBQ on Saturday, 24th March 2018 at 12:30pm.


Kings Park, Saw Avenue Lawn South (see map below)

There are BBQs and tables in between the Lawn and the playground, please meet there.

Please bring something to cook on the BBQ and something to drink as well.

Looking forward to catching up with some of you!

For further details contact Vikram at [email protected]


Dec 2017 BBQ

In association with Oceanology International – Women in Industry Panel Session

SUT+ would like to invite you to their new Women in Industry Panel Session.

The panel will feature senior women engineers and scientists from the subsea and wider marine sector, each sharing insights from their industry and stories of their career progression, successes and challenges.  A moderated discussion and audience Q&A will follow the presentations, where students are encouraged to engage the panelists and their peers in conversation.

If you are considering a career in the subsea or marine sector, don’t miss your chance to network with these senior industry professionals and learn about the varied and exciting career opportunities that are available.

This panel session will be relevant and open to all, regardless of your gender!

More information at


Registration: Free to attend on a first come first serve basis.

To reserve your seat, please RSVP to Ellen Burgess at: [email protected]