SUT Journal (Underwater Technology) is online – Issue 35.1 now available

For those of our members that aren’t aware our Journal is now available online. Latest issue at 

A new publication is produced at the end of March, July and November so feel free to visit directly at these times.

The Society for Underwater Technology (HQ) is calling for papers for its international journal, Underwater Technology. The journal publishes peer-reviewed technical papers on all aspects and applications of underwater technology. Original papers on new technology, it’s development and applications and papers covering new applications for existing technology, are particularly welcome.

Click here for flyer

For more information or to make a submission, please contact the Assistant Editor, Elaine Azzopardi

Postcard from Tasmania – Scott’s life after SUT Phoenix

Greetings Perthlings. It has now been over 6 months since I left WA to take on a new challenge as a Structural Engineer with GHD in Hobart. Prior to taking this role with GHD I was interim chair of the SUT Phoenix committee, an experience which helped me through a difficult period in my life.

Firstly I would like to reflect on my experiences here in Tasmania. I arrived in mid-winter which is significantly different to the ‘winter’s’ in WA. There was snow on the mountain and frost in the ground. Tasmania is very different to WA, more undulating and mountainous; more akin to my native Scotland. It is breathtakingly beautiful in the same way the coastline of WA is.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to GHD for providing me with this opportunity. During the process of relocating they were hugely supporting and offered a generous package which enabled us to relocate our goods, car and even cats interstate. This has enabled my family to settle into life in Tasmania and we have embraced the delights the island has to offer.

The work in itself has been a significant departure from my time in the oil and gas industry. I was primarily a Subsea Engineer who specialised in Subsea Structural Design throughout my time working in Perth. As you might imagine there is limited opportunity to apply my experience in subsea design in Tasmania. The projects I have worked on here have been diverse and varied and that in itself has been challenging but rewarding. The primary area I have been working in is industrial infrastructure there are synergies with the oil and gas industry. One of the sites I have been involved in is a metal smelting facility which is over 100 years old and has enormous maintenance challenges.

I feel that being involved in the SUT Phoenix committee contributed to my being in a positive and confident frame of mind when it came being interviewed by GHD. Being part of SUT Phoenix provided me with a purpose and kept me engaged while I was otherwise unemployed. Taking the role of chair increased the level of responsibility and provided me with the opportunity to meet and speak with individuals and groups I would not have otherwise.

I am aware that it seems incongruous or even ironic that being part of a special interest group associated with furthering the interests of those in the underwater and subsea industries led to my leaving that sector but you have to take opportunities as and when they are presented. I would encourage those in SUT Phoenix to participate as much as they can; it gives you purpose, engagement and you get the opportunity to meet interesting people and make new connections.

In summary I thank the SUT for giving me the opportunity to be involved with Phoenix and to those currently struggling with the downturn I understand the worst is over and things are improving. I do not envisage the boom of yesteryear but a more sustainable industry revolving around maintenance of the existing and recently operation fields with new projects arising out of the need to backfill and maintain production on existing facilities. All the best to all for the future.

Wish you were here!

Scott Sneddon

SUT Perth – Continuing to Support our Young Engineers and Scientists

SUT are dedicated to promoting and supporting students, young engineers and scientists through various initiates and events. Their aim is to:

  • Create awareness of the subsea/underwater industry amongst young engineers and scientists
  • Develop young engineers and scientists within the subsea/underwater industry
  • Provide networking opportunities to build relationships amongst young engineers and scientists within the subsea/underwater industry.
  • Introduce education groups to SUT (high school and/or universities), encouraging them to join the subsea/underwater industry

They achieve this by:

The SUT could not do this without the generous support of their annual YES! supporters: Quadrant Energy and Woodside Energy.

The SUT April Evening Technical Meeting is dedicated to university students as a platform to show case their capabilities to the industry and give an insight into the future via their presentations (thanks also to event sponsors: Curtin University).

Please visit the SUT website for further information, their YES! Initiatives or simply to check out the events calendar.

Contact Branch Manager: Jennifer Maninin at [email protected] to see how you too can contribute.

Actual article published on AOG 2018 website, click here to view.

Events & Marketing Coordinator – Opportunity to work at SUT Perth

After 8 years with the SUT Perth Branch Corelle will be saying goodbye to the SUT and starting her next chapter. Corelle is a hard worker and good friend to us at the SUT and she will be missed greatly.

What this means though is that the Perth SUT Office are pleased to announce that there is now a part-time Events & Marketing Coordinator position available (28hours/week). Come and join the admin team, working with Jen, Fiona and Marketa in assisting our volunteers and members, ensuring the success of our beloved SUT Perth Branch.

Click here to view full advert with position description.

Closing date: Friday, 16th March 2018.