Sponsorship & Advertising


With a community of over 2,000 members across WA, SUT is a multi-disciplinary learned Society bringing together individuals and organisations with a common interest in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering.

We hold regular underwater technology seminars, courses and technical evenings throughout the year in and around Perth.  Currently we have 100 Individual, 40 Corporate, 17 Global, 4 Academic and 57 Student members in Australia. The Perth Branch of the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) was formed in 2004, this year we celebrate our 20th anniversary.

Sponsorship plays a crucial role in supporting our events and, in turn, aiding local underwater technology through education.

Partnership opportunities

Exhibiting and/or sponsoring at face-to-face events provides an excellent opportunity to reach industry experts

  • Demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to the delegates’ professional development
  • Promote your organisation and your products to delegates
  • Maintain a high profile within the Underwater Technology community
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Network: maintain and build new relationships with your target market
  • Expose your staff to their key demographic

Sponsorship opportunities for educational events include

Other Sponsorship opportunities

  • SUT & SPE Golf Day
  • SUT Annual Dinner
  • OSIGp & YES! events

If you are interested in sponsoring an SUT event or require further information, please email our Events Team [email protected]