SPE Aberdeen 9th Well Abandonment Symposium

SPE Aberdeen 9th Well Abandonment Symposium – 26-27 June 2019, AECC

Technical Programme is Now Available. Download here.

The SPE Aberdeen Well Abandonment seminar, which is in its 9th year, will benefit from bringing together those specialising in the areas of production optimisation, well integrity and those focused on abandonment operations from major operators, service companies and regulators.

Why attend?

Training and knowledge sharing – hear quality presentations over two days including a number of Operator case histories and short informative ‘Tech-byte’ Presentations

Key networking opportunity representing over 200 delegates each day

Learn from the exhibitors and poster presenters

Please click here for more information


The Energy Exports Conference (EEC) is a major new event opening in Aberdeen this summer, aimed at supporting the UK supply chain to export its products, services and expertise into global markets

Whether you’re yet to start exporting, are at the very early stages, or have been an established exporter for years, this event will help you in your journey to access new customers around the world.

Please click here for more information

Perth – OSIGp Movie Night

A great night was had by all at the OSIGp Movie Night. The event featured a variety 5 to 10 minute video presentation from a cross-section of the industry.
Presenters provided narration to the videos.

Read the post event report


Click here for the flyer or for further info please email: 

Decom North Sea – June 2019 Bitesize Decom

June 2019 Bitesize Decom

The Bitesize Decom series of events have a strong focus on the latest late-life and decommissioning updates, upcoming plans and opportunities from operators and contractors and key case studies.

We are delighted to confirm our presenters for this event are DNO North Sea (U.K.) Limited (Formerly Faroe Petroleum), Brimmond Group and ZynQ 360.

For more information please click here

Perth – 5th Submarine Science, Technology & Engineering Conference

The Committee of the Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA) will convene the 5th Submarine Science, Technology and Engineering Conference (SubSTEC5) in Fremantle, WA from Monday 18 to Thursday 21 November 2019 in collaboration with the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST). The SIA is seeking participation from government and Defence agencies, academia, maritime and sub-sea industry and research organisations and their representatives.

The Design and Construction Partnership between the Commonwealth of Australia, Naval Group and Lockheed Martin Australia, for Australia’s forthcoming Attack class submarines is now well under way and the current Collins class submarines will undergo a major life-of-type extension (LOTE) to ensure there is no reduction in Australia’s submarine capability over the next fifteen years until the first of the Attack class enters service in the RAN.

The SIA considers that the development of Australian offshore oil, gas and subsea engineering industries is also of vital strategic concern to the nation and welcomes presentations to SubSTEC5 in these disciplines for the first time. SubSTEC5 will therefore enable special focus on trans-national considerations of emerging, disruptive and forecast technology developments, research, development, test and evaluation in the Subsea and Offshore environment.

The theme for this Conference is: Innovation and Investment in the Subsea Environment

The SIA is inviting papers for formal peer-reviewed publication and oral presentations of 25 minutes in length. For further information and deadlines please view the flyer

** We have been advised that the deadline of 31 May for submissions has been extended to mid June – please email SIA directly for further information. 

Aberdeen Evening Meeting – Gadgets & Widgets

Gadgets & Widgets – Totally Technical

Alex Stanning, Senior Project Engineer, Subsea 7

An introduction to the new Dynamic ARival Temperature (DART) system, which will vary the thermal performance of a pipe-in-pipe system and revolutionise pipe-in-pipe thermal design, especially for HPHT fields.

Craig Mulholland, Engineering Manager EMEA, Oceaneering

Oceaneering is currently trialling our next generation of technology to reduce Wellhead fatigue during Plug and Abandonments or work overs.

Frank Ponsonby, Technical Sales Engineer, Fathom Systems Ltd

Fathom Systems fNET HD Camera brings a step change in the advancement of remote image quality for the commercial diving market.The on-board integration of a high intensity light, orientation, depth and bail-out sensors, provide a unique enhancement to help reinforce diver safety.  Only two wires are required to communicate the data and a true HD picture, making fNET HDC a cost effective game changer to the subsea inspection industry.

Cameron McNatt, Managing Director, Mocean Energy

Mocean Energy is developing a small-scale wave energy converter (WEC), called Seabase: it transforms energy in ocean waves into electricity. We are applying the technology to subsea applications to provide power and comms to subsea equipment, residential AUVs / ROVs, and monitoring systems.

Allan Donaldson, Senior Sales Engineer, Tritech International Ltd

In 2019, Tritech has developed a range of new technology including a new survey and scientific grade bathymetric system, an updated mechanical scanning sonar, higher resolution multibeam scanning sonars and the Diver Mounted Display system which enables divers to have visibility in zero visibility water.

Stuart Moir, Project Engineer, Ecosse IP Ltd

Ambient Lifter – The Goose that lays the Golden Eggs having progressed from our first design of Ambient Lifter we will now introduce you to the various derivations of Ambient Lifter and the progression of our technology in the subsea lifting market.

Andy Smerdon, Managing Director, Aquatec Group Limited

Sometimes you need to monitor several subsea pressures in the same vicinity, but can’t run cables or send divers off to check gauges every few minutes.  Thanks to Aquatec’s AQUAmodem 500P – a coffee-cup-sized acoustic gadget with built-in pressure sensor, you can now monitor all of the data from a single receiver, either ROV-mounted, or dipped overboard.  We describe the low cost technology and illustrate with case studies.

Colin Sutherland, Sales Engineer, Sonardyne

To reduce operating costs and improve efficiency, more and more operators are looking at the deployment of long term autonomous subsea resident vehicles to support inspection and light intervention tasks. To support these vehicles, there is a requirement to establish a field wide, high bandwidth wireless telemetry network to enable real-time wireless control of the vehicle as well as providing a facility to allow large amounts of data to be quickly offloaded from the vehicle without the need to dock.

Jon Beatty, Managing Director, UTEC Geomarine

Industry demands for quick, precise and cost-effective techniques for sampling and in situ soil testing have risen in the past decades. This demand is usually linked with reduced project costs, times and mobilisation and operational time. In response to these demands, UTEC Geomarine have developed a lightweight and highly agile Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) and soil sampling system (geoROVTM) which has been utilised in many offshore applications. This paper will discuss case studies where the new system has been successfully deployed in both shallow and deep water environments and met the new industry demands.

Click here for the flyer






Aberdeen SUT+ Chartership Event

Thursday 20th June, 5.30pm – 8.30pm
Copthorne Hotel, 122 Huntly Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1SU

Join SUT+ for the opportunity to discuss all things chartership! Whether this is to gain general information about each of the institutions or more specific advice about the peer interview processes; the attending institutions will be at hand to answer your questions.

1-to-1 discussions with your respective institution will also be available for professional review interview preparation and to review your chartership application evidence.

The institutions represented at this event are: IMechE, IMarEST, ICE, IET and EI.


1730 Arrival of delegates
1745 Welcome, Institution Introduction Presentations
1815 Presentation – Gaining Chartership, the experience
1820 Main Workshop

  • Consists of 5 stands that represent each institute;
  • General information given out regarding the Chartership programme on offer;
  • Group Q & A sessions regarding evidence, competencies, and so on;
  • Quiet conversation areas;
  • 1-to-1 interview (i.e. informal peer interview or conversation about personal information)

1930/2000 Close-out of evening by SUT+ 
Finger Buffet, consisting of Vegetable Spring Rolls, Bruschetta, Breaded Sole Goujons, and Haggis Bon Bons provided; and a bar is available for refreshments.

This event is free to attend.

Spaces are limited! Click HERE to register.


  • I won’t be able to make it in time for 1730, can I come later?
  • What should I bring to the event?
    A pen and notepad is probably all you will need, but feel free to bring any evidence or application forms you think will be helpful. However please also bear in mind that representatives from the institutions will not have time to go through CVs or applications in detail due to the limited time available.
  • Does the hotel have parking facilities?
    Unfortunately the hotel does not have car parking facilities. Car parking is available in nearby Chapel Street Car Park.
  • Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
    No, however we would encourage printed tickets as the barcodes are very helpful to those taking registration.