Melbourne – ETM: Diving & ROV Forum

SUT Melbourne presents a documentary film on the successful rescue of a diver who became detached from his umbilical and was stranded on the seabed, created by Bibby Offshore.  It will be followed by Q&A panel discussion, with diving and ROV experts, and networking drinks.

To register for the event visit

Click here for flyer or for further information email Jennifer Maninin.

SUT + Careers Day Brunch at Oceanology International

On Thursday 17th March, Oceanology International 2016 welcomes students, graduates and post graduates seeking future career opportunities in the marine science and technology related fields. Organised in association with the SUT and IMarEST, the Careers Day reflects the commitment of the industry to foster the next generation of marine professionals.

10:00-12:30, Thursday 17th March

From Education to Industry

SUT+ has been created for developing professionals by developing professionals working in the marine and subsea industries in London and South of England. SUT Student membership is £15! The OI 2016 Careers Day Programme will kick off with a morning session hosted by the SUT+ Committee.

Breakfast will be provided at 10am. Attending students will be able to hear firsthand accounts from members of SUT+ on their journeys from graduation to securing jobs and their contribution to the marine industry. There will be an informal networking session afterwards where the students and graduates will have the chance to ask questions from the presenters and other SUT+ members.

For further information please click here or see the flyer here.

Oceanology International 2016

The Oceanology International event offers the world’s leading forum where industry, academia and government share knowledge and connect with the marine science and ocean technology communities.

Oceanology International’s world-class exhibition and conference help organisations reach buyers from key market regions and sectors worldwide and helps them improve their strategies for measuring, exploiting, protecting and operating in the world’s oceans.

For more information please click here.

Can a Lobster be an Archaeologist?

Book cover - website 

Have you ever wondered…

What really happens in the Bermuda Triangle?

Where we would live if there was no land left to build on?

How they film underwater movies?

Where tsunamis come from?

Buy Now!

This is the launch of an exciting new illustrated book from the Society for Underwater Technology, written for 10-14 year olds, aiming to spark their interest in the underwater world.

Genesis Oil and Gas Consultants Ltd will host the event at 1 St. Paul’s Churchyard, London EC4M 8AP from 6pm with a wine and canapé reception.

This event is by invitation only, places are limited.  If you have not been invited but wish to attend please contact [email protected]

‘Can a Lobster be an Archaeologist?’ will be available to purchase on the SUT website and from Wednesday 25th November.

Singapore – Evening Technical Meeting: Subsea Operational Efficiency

Thursday 22 October 2015

Hotel Jen Singapore (formerly knows as Traders Hotel)
Level 2, 1A Cuscaden Road, Singapore (public car park next to hotel – Tanglin Mall)

SUT Members: S$30
Non-Members: S$50
Payable cash on the door

This event is open to both SUT members and non-members, so don’t miss out on this great opportunity to join like-minded friends and colleagues in an informal atmosphere. Enjoy good networking whilst learning a little about some of the latest technology in your area.

Registration/drinks from 6pm – Presentations at 6.30pm – Networking 7.30pm Drinks & canapés will be served, 9pm evening end

Session chair: Derek Donaldson, Vice President Global Operations, Seatronics
Subsea Measurement and Monitoring using Laser and Photogrammetry
Patrick Raymond, DimEye

Development of Subsea Technologies to deliver Operational Efficiency
Richard Bowcutt, Rolls Royce

To conclude the Technical Meeting:
An Overview of the FX Market & Revenue Protection
A short presentation provided by IdealFX

To register, please e-mail your full contact details to Derek Donaldson on [email protected] or click here for the flyer.

Booking is essential to secure your place. Please note places are limited, so early registration is advised.

The Underwater World – Christmas Lectures to Schools, London

This free careers event will enable KS4 and post-16 students to explore a wide range of ‘extreme’ and varied underwater careers opportunities in Britain.

Programme 10.30 – 15.30
The timetable will comprise of presentations by industry experts from a range of underwater science and technology backgrounds.

Subjects include:
• The marine environment
• Renewable energy from our seas
• Animals of the sea
• Deepwater oil and gas production
• How we can recycle old oil production
• Can even lawyers find work in marine science?

Further details and booking information can be found on the flyer.

Christmas Lectures Flyer_London_2015-illustrations

Perth – Annual Dinner & AGM

Prior to the Annual Dinner we will hold our AGM in the Freshwater Bay Room at the Hyatt Regency.

Click here for flyer.

Come and join us at our Annual Dinner which will be held in the Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency, Adelaide Terrace, Perth. This is the perfect opportunity to invite your clients and staff to fill a table (or two).

Click here for invitation.

A wonderful evening was had by all, to view photos from the evening click here.

For further information please contact Jennifer Maninin.

Perth – Annual Golf Day

SUT Golf Day will be better than ever in 2016!

Better prizes, live leader board, additional comps, novelty holes, introducing the SUT Silver Ticket….. It’s going to be a good one!!!

Please click here for booking form.

See the Sponsorship Packages available for our big day.

For further information please contact Jennifer Maninin.