Aberdeen – Subsea Expo



Subsea Expo is the world’s largest annual subsea exhibition and conference, held 11-13 February 2020 at P&J Live in Aberdeen, and also includes the industry’s prestigious awards ceremony, the Subsea UK Awards.

The free-to-attend exhibition, which will see 170+ exhibitors and 6,500+ visitors, is a quality-focused event showcasing the capabilities, innovations and cutting-edge technologies of the underwater sectors.

The free-to-attend conference runs multiple parallel sessions over three days and attracts a broad range of experts to discuss the challenges facing the industry, new and transformational technologies, clean energy and the future of digitalisation, among other topics.

The Subsea UK Awards dinner is an opportunity to join friends, colleagues and peers in celebrating the accomplishments of the industry’s standout individuals and companies and is held on 12 February at P&J Live in Aberdeen.

Subsea Expo is organised by



Coastal Futures 2020

This is the 27th in this series of meetings organised by Dr Bob Earll of Communications and Management for Sustainability (CMS).

The most comprehensive briefing

Coastal Futures 2020 will once again be the most comprehensive briefing of the year on marine and coastal environmental issues and activities. The fully revised programme with over 50 speakers, including 18 – 3 minute presentations and can be downloaded from the Coastal Future website.

Coastal Futures 2020 Programme

Coastal Futures 2020 provides:-
• Strong perspectives – from key stakeholders and industry leaders, who take a proactive approach to the sustainability agenda in the coastal and marine environment
• Overviews – from acknowledged experts in many subjects and leaders of major events
• Future trends – pointers to future areas of activity which will directly affect your work
• Networking – an excellent opportunity to meet those at the forefront of these issues – all speakers will be asked to remain in the hall after their presentation to facilitate networking
• Themes The CF2020 conference will be focussing on the problems of climate change, ocean recovery and restoration and how we respond, exploring what we really want from our coastal and marine environment.

Coastal Futures 2020 sets out to:-
• Deliberately bring together different sectors to discuss important developments and concerns
• Describe the actual changes that are causing concern and actions being taken to deal with these
• Describe the developing programme of policy and management which is unfolding to meet these concerns
• Produce a high level of information from the conference and via social media

Please contact Bob Earll with any queries


07930 535283


London & South of England Lunch and Learn – Global Offshore Prospects – Sold Out

Click here for the meeting report.

Westwood Global Energy present their annual outlook for the coming years in the offshore and subsea business. The firm will draw upon its extensive insight and data in the E&P and OFS sectors to outline macroeconomic drivers of activity, highlight leading indicators of offshore expenditure and review key upcoming projects and regions. The outlook for the growth in expenditure in specific subsea sectors will be presented alongside key risk factors and uncertainties evident in the market.


Presentations from:

Arindam Das, Director, Head of Commercial Advisory

Kathryn Symes, Manager, Commercial Advisory

Mark Adeosun, Senior Analyst, Offshore


Registration 12.00pm, Presentations 12.30pm,  Lunch 1.30pm

This event is free to attend but booking is essential.

With special thanks to our hosts:






A Certificate of Attendance to contribute towards your CPD is available, please select this option during booking. 

View all SUT Events here


ECOSIGG Evening Meeting – Marine Renewable Energy Industry – Sold Out

Chair: Darren Burbury

The Early Careers Offshore Site Investigation Geoscience and Geotechnics (ECOSIGG) committee will be holding its inaugural event in London sharing industry and academic knowledge regarding the offshore renewable industry.
The event will comprise a series of talks by industry experts and leading academics as follows:

• Integrating geoscience data to build effective ground models for large wind farm sites.
(Dr Mike Clare, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)

• Detailed site investigation (SI) and advanced laboratory testing for state-of-the-art design methods.
(Dr Mike Rattley, Fugro)

• PISA design approach: challenges for application in design: Overview of the method, design applications in layered soils and calibration procedures for specific offshore sites.
(Prof. Harvey Burd, University of Oxford)

After the meeting, there will be opportunities for discussions and networking to continue.

This event is free to attend but booking is essential.

Click here to view the event flyer

A Certificate of Attendance to contribute towards your CPD is available, please select this option during booking. 

View all SUT Events here






Perth – The Life Cycle of Flexible Risers & Flowlines Course – CANCELLED

This course has been developed by flexible pipe manufacturers and key companies associated with system design, failure mode analysis, and integrity management of flexible flowlines and risers.

The course is aimed at those who specify, purchase, approve, install, operate, manage the integrity of, or decommission flexible risers or flowlines, including jumpers and will provide enough knowledge for them to feel comfortable with their responsibilities. Course content and suitability is likely to apply to both engineers and non-engineers at various stages in their careers.

To register for the course please download the REGISTRATION FORM and return via email to p.slapp@sut.org


Aberdeen – Global Market Outlook Business Breakfast – What does this new decade offer ?

The Marcliffe Hotel & Spa, North Deeside Road, Aberdeen, AB15 9YA

Full breakfast: 07:00am – Speakers start at 7:30am, end 9:30am

Against a background of energy transition, climate change and geopolitics, what sort of foreground can we see, in terms of oil price and subsea activity?  There remain some indicators to assist business decisions which our speakers will assess, giving clues on the subsea market outlook for 2020 and the medium-term.

This event offers an opportunity for the business community to hear about the market from senior people within the industry.

Chairperson – Neil Gordon, Chief Executive, Subsea UK

Presentations from:

Henning Bjorvik, Senior Analyst, Rystad Energy

The energy transition creates new opportunities for subsea players

 The energy transition has primarily been driven by climate change, but now a clear shift is happening with green technologies catching up and costs coming down. Major steps have been taken over the last years when it comes to for example passenger vehicles, now expected to reach cost parity with internal combustion engines in early 2020’s. With other sectors following, Rystad Energy expects oil demand to peak as soon as 2028. But even with oil demand peaking in 2028 there is still room for exploration worldwide in the years to come in order to meet the demand.

The E&P’s have been piling up cash since 2017, with free cash flow now at record high levels. Offshore sanctioning has picked up significantly since the bottom year 2016, largely driven by deepwater sanctioning. This is good news for the subsea players. Rystad Energy expects record high numbers both in terms of subsea tree installations and SURF line installations in 2022, making the subsea market one of the fastest growing markets within the oilfield service space. On top of this, the energy transition can create massive opportunities for the subsea players.

Mike Beveridge, Managing Director, Simmons & Co

For many in the sector, 2019 was a year of slow recovery and the rebuilding of some optimism. We go into 2020 with some ambition that the subsea industry will experience a long overdue uptick in activity and return to growth. However the macro picture continues to be turbulent in terms of oil price dynamics and overall sentiment. 2019 is perhaps best characterised by the emergence into mainstream thinking of the Climate Change agenda. This has weakened investor interest in our sector, potentially for good, and is impacting day to day thinking and strategic priorities for everyone in the energy services industry.

Mike Beveridge from Simmons Energy will take a look at 2019 from an activity and deal making perspective and will share his views on the outlook for 2020.

Peter Blake, Chairman of NSRI and Technology Leadership Board

Oil and Gas industry offers huge potential to the Blue Economy

The wider subsea industry is projected to be worth £100 billion by 2035, which is only achievable if we within the technology and innovation space can share experience and knowledge across the blue economy (Defence, renewables to aquaculture).  The oil and gas industry over the next decade will play a key part to achieving these targets over the next 10 years, drawing upon expertise that will not only address the immediate transition needs, but also the long-term needs, where technology and innovation play a key part across the wider subsea industrial community.  The oil and gas industry has a great track record of rising to challenges, which continues as we target longer-distance, deeper water (now greater than 300m) and HS & E, however, these are also critical to other industries to de-risk the opportunities; subsea is going to be exciting for all.

View the event flyer here

A Certificate of Attendance to contribute towards your CPD is available, please select this option during booking. 


View all SUT Events here


Perth – Subsea Production Systems – ONLINE Course

We are excited to announce that our Subsea Production Systems – Operation, Inspection & Maintenance Course is now available online.

The operation of subsea production systems requires operation, inspection and maintenance strategies that differ considerably from their onshore counterparts. This course provides an introduction to the elements of a subsea production system and how they are operated to maximise production and protect system integrity.

Additionally, presenters will explore the typical operational parameters for a subsea system, the information available during normal operation and the requirements for inspection and maintenance to mitigate the many risks posed by the both the subsea environment and the produced fluids.

This course will be a live streamed, online course. It is not pre-recorded. All attendees will be able to interact live, with our presenters and ask questions via the online platform. 

To register for the course please download the REGISTRATION FORM and submit via email.

Please contact Trish Slapp for further information about this course.