Decommissioning Cycle

SUT+ and the University of Aberdeen, would like to extend an invite to an Evening on Decommissioning, to be held Monday 23rd January at  1800 in the Fraser Noble Building at the University of Aberdeen.  Offering a series of presentations designed to give an awareness of all the stages of the decommissioning process from the perspective of industry experts.

Confirmed speakers bring experience from an operator’s point of view (Nexen), the largest construction vessel ever built (Pioneering Spirit), an installation contractor (Subsea 7) and representatives from industry groups (Oil and Gas Authority and Pipelines Users Group) along with a presentation from our main sponsors the University of Aberdeen showcasing current decommissioning research.

  • Jim Christie (Head of Decommissioning – Oil and Gas Authority)

  • John Lawson (Senior Technology Advisor at Chevron and Pipeline Users Group)

  • Scott Cameron (Business Unit Director – Subsea 7)

  • Jessica Vleugel ( R&D engineer Allseas – Pioneering Spirit)

  • Innes Jordan (Subsea Engineer Decommissioning – Nexen)

  • Richard Neilson (Director of Research and Commercialisation – Aberdeen University)

This event will be free of charge with the University of Aberdeen kindly providing a light networking buffet and refreshments, giving opportunity to chat to the speakers or talk to University representatives about their Decommissioning Masters programme.

To ensure attendance and to allow for catering orders please register with the following Eventbrite link and we look forward to seeing you on the night.

North of England Branch Evening Meeting – Design & Analysis Challenges for Advanced Service Valves


Please click here for the report of this meeting.

The Design & Analysis Challenges for Advanced Service Valves

Newcastle University (Armstrong Building, Room ARMB1.49, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU)

Registration 18:00, Talks 18:30, Refreshments 20:00

Advanced Engineering Analysis as a Valve Design Verification Tool

Lee Brimer, Senior Engineer, PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd

Finite element analysis (FEA) can be an invaluable tool in modelling the behaviour of complex designs early in the design process, in order to provide confidence on design performance and to highlight areas where improvements can be made. This presentation will focus on an order BEL Valves secured to supply a 12” split gate valve for the Sakhalin Island development. As part of the verification requirements for this valve, particular focus had been applied to the functionality of the valve design under large external loads, this was due to previous issues observed by the operator. The valve design was assessed using FEA in order to highlight any potential issues and ensure the critical sealing functionality under the worst case external loading. This presentation will give an overview of using FEA to validate valve design and how PDL used a complex assembly model with non-linear contact to assess the functionality of the 12” split gate valve for the Sakhalin Island development.

Design Challenges and Verification of Valves to Keep Pace with Oil Field Development Rate

Malcolm Hay, Project Engineer, BEL Valves Ltd

As oil fields develop, operating conditions can change unexpectedly. Certain forces may act in an unexpected way and have a detrimental effect on the product. In the event a failure occurs, actions have to be taken to ensure supply meets demand and safety procedures are followed. Customers may need to replace equipment with a more robust solution. Malcolm’s presentation will discuss how this inevitably leads to design challenges for valve manufacturers’, including more stringent testing and initial design verification in the form of FEA (finite element analysis).

Expected Challenges and Design Verification of HP/HT Valves Developed for Subsea Service

James Brierley, Graduate Project Engineer, BEL Valves Ltd

Global depletion of oil resources has led to oil field discoveries that require engineering for more onerous conditions. One of these conditions presented is HP/HT (High Pressure / High Temperature). BEL Valves have been at the forefront of HP/HT valve development for some of the biggest projects in the subsea engineering sector. This presentation will cover how the planning for these conditions requires extensive design verification; utilising FEA (finite element analysis), CFD (computational fluid dynamics) and applying the latest and most rigorous testing regime to mitigate risk of failure as far as is reasonably practicable.

Sponsored by PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd and BEL Valves Ltd

Survey and Geotechnics in Offshore Engineering Short Course

Organised by the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Committee & North of England Branch of the Society for Underwater Technology

The SUT is pleased to announce this short course based on ones ran successfully elsewhere, but this will be the first such event in the North of England. There are a range of well-known speakers, including many experts in their particular field.

The lectures will cover all aspects of offshore geology and geotechnical engineering, from initial survey through design to construction in both the oil and gas, and the renewable energy industries.

Melbourne – ETM: Recent Projects, New Technologies

The presentation for this Evening Technical Meeting are as follows:

Design  of  a  Skirted  Foundation  for  Offshore  Project
Dr  Manh  Tran,  Principal  and  Technical  Leader  for  Southern  (Geotechnical)  –  Jacobs

Taking  LiDAR  Subsea  –  Increasing  Metrology  Efficiency  and  other  Real  World Applications
Adam  Lowry,  Managing  Director,  APAC  –  3DatDepth

Subsea  Heavy  Lift  using  an  A-Frame
Ben  Healy,  Managing  Director/Naval  Architect  -­  Thrust  Maritime

Click here for flyer.

To register for this event visit

For further information please contact Stefania Narum.

Offshore and Subsea Operations Awareness Course

Time 09.00-17.00
Price Non-Members £395; Members £340

Even by 2020, it is estimated that 70% of primary energy consumed in the UK will still come from oil and gas, much of which will come from offshore locations.  With increasing water depths comes the need for advanced technical solutions to enhance safety whilst containing ever rising costs.
This is an intensive one-day course designed to acquaint people with the important aspects of offshore oil and gas and subsea operations.

  • Characteristics of oil and gas, rock and the reservoir
    World oil and gas reserves
  • Exploration, surveys and drilling rights
    Seismic surveys
    Licencing applications
  • Types of drilling vessel
    Jack up rigs
    Drill ships
    Semi-submersible vessels
  • Drilling a well: exploration drilling, development drilling and completion
  • Subsea production and workover
    Christmas trees and manifolds
    Control umbilicals
    Subsea processing
    Diver and ROV operations
  • Oil and gas transportation
    Tanker Mooring Buoy
    Pipeline Management

Who should attend?
This course is suitable for all professionals working in non-technical roles that are associated with the offshore oil and gas, underwater technology and subsea engineering sectors

Course presenter
Bob Summers (Membership of Society of Operations Engineers, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, Society for Underwater Technology)


For more information please see the flyer or contact [email protected]

Egypt – Subsea Awareness Course

This five‐day Course has been designed to be suitable for contractors, engineers, operators and those new to the offshore industry, those transferring from other disciplines within the industry and those who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a efresher course and exposure to the latest technology.

Whilst most of the course will be presented in a ‘classroom’ environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learnt. In particular, hands‐on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view sofware models and products designed for subsea service.

For Registration & More Information Please Contact:
Ms. Ireen Helmy
Mob.: +2 01123222219
Fax : +2 26147201
e-mail: [email protected]

For more information please see the flyer. – PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DATES OF THE COURSE ARE NOW 18-22 December.

Harvard University – From Sea to Changing Sea: A Science Symposium about Oceans

This symposium will focus on important new research on the changing nature of the world’s oceans and the questions that arise from that change.

The program will begin with a study of new data about the formation of oceans and the origins of early life. Speakers will then examine how oceans have transformed over climate epochs as water temperatures have fluctuated and ice sheets have formed and melted. Leading scientists and policymakers will also consider how human behavior is affecting the seas, and they will explore the impact of these shifts on marine life, islands, coastal areas, and climate change overall. The symposium will conclude by asking what role the scientific community and others can play in understanding and stewarding this critical global resource.

Free and open to the public – live stream available on the day.

Please register and join us at the Knafel Center.

For more information, please click here.

Houston – Subsea Production Controls

Subsea Production Controls One-Day Course

This one day course will provide an introduction to subsea production control systems, including the fundamentals of control systems design, control fluids, umbilicals, lessons learned and operational experience.

For more information please click here.