Lean Subsea – the way forward!

Some of the key note speakers at UTC 2016 include:

Arne Sigve Nylund, EVP Development and Production, Statoil
Luis Araujo, CEO, Aker Solutions
Neil Saunders, President & CEO Subsea Systems & Drilling, GE Oil&Gas
Marilyn Tears,SSH&E Manager, ExxonMobil
Scott Rowe, Group President, Schlumberger

For more information please click here or go to www.utc.no

Cost Efficiencies – More bang for your buck

Event Program

11:30 – 13:00         Registration, lunch and exhibition

Session 1 – Chair SUT David Warren, Warren Subsea, Subsea Projects Consultant

13:00 – 13:30       Unlocking Subsea Productivity – Bibby, Vikki Thom

13:30 – 14:00        Innovate to Keep Ahead – Fugro, Duncan Allen

14:00 – 14:15         Coffee Break and exhibition

Session 2 – Chair Glenn Cunningham, Greystones Subsea Ltd

14:15 – 14:40       Pipeline Inspection Using Low Logistic AUV – UTEC, Chris Erni

14:40 – 15:05       ASVs and The Increased Efficiencies They Offerr – ASV, James Hailstones

15:05 – 15:30       Driving Down Operational Costs using Autonomous Vehicle Technology – Schlumberger, Stephen Auld

15:30 – 15:45        Coffee Break and exhibition

Session 3 – Chair Paul Benstead, BP, Pipeline Engineering Manager, North Sea Operations     

15:45 – 16:15         A Tensioner Virtual Private Network to Facilitate Remote Connectivity – Aquatic, Brian McRitchie

16:15 – 16:45       New Approach to Condition Monitoring Systems in Subsea Installations – Ashtead, Alistair Birnie

16:45 – 17:00       Q & A

With thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors – Blue Ocean Monitoring, Kongsberg Maritime and Prevco Subsea Housings

Blue Ocean MonitoringKongsberg hi res jpeg PREVCO_BC_logo

CANCELLED – The Future of Underwater Technology

The Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) has cancelled an inaugural conference due to take place in London on November 15 – 17th.

A spokesman for SUT said: “SUT’s council has taken the decision to cancel the 2016 technical conference in London in response to concerns about market conditions in the oil and gas industry impacting on interest. We are committed to a full schedule of events and courses including the established Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics (OSIG) conference, which takes place next year and felt it was prudent to focus our attention on these already established events.”

Perth – YES!(Young Engineers & Scientists) Speechcraft Course

The YES! Committee are looking for an expression for interest from the SUT community. If we have the interest, SUT will submit a corporate group of 10 subsea professionals for a “speechcraft” course.

EOI due date: Please email Corelle, [email protected] by Friday, 13th May
Venue: CBD location
Anticipated course dates: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks:  7 June / 14 June / 21 June / 28 Jun / 5 July / 12 July
Course time: 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Cost: $455/person + merchant fee if paying by credit card. (Toastmasters is exempt from GST and no GST is payable. Please note, this price includes a small admin charge for SUT.)

Speechcraft courses are fast track courses designed to teach you the fundamentals of public speaking and provide a supportive environment for you to rapidly build these skills with repeated practice at workshops run over several weeks. Many participants have little confidence, significant nerves or bad habits they wish to overcome by participating in our programs, yet all are delighted with their personal achievements by the end of the course. You will gain confidence in all aspects of communication, including written and impromptu speeches, body language, speaking with and without visual aids, active listening and critical evaluation. No previous public speaking experience is required. Courses are limited to 10 to ensure plenty of practice giving introductions, impromptu and prepared speeches and receiving detailed constructive feedback from your trainers and peers. It’s common that people often have to miss a session or two for professional or personal reasons, flexible options are offered.

Please click here for further information.

Subsea Research Show & Tell – Aberdeen University

Please join the SUT+ at the University of Aberdeen for an insight into the world of subsea engineering research! This evening is packed with intriguing tasters of various leading edge research and technology, and is also a great opportunity to find out more about the specialised subsea MSc courses on offer. The evening will entail:

  • Introduction talk by University staff;

  • Resonance Enhanced Drilling (RED) rig;

  • Geotechnical research; Pipeline burial/iceberg scour;

  • Fluids lab tour;

  • Overview of research work and links with National Subsea Research Institute (NSRI);

  • Wrap up session and opportunity for discussion and Q&A.


Please arrive in good time to register in the Fraser Noble Foyer, as the event will start at 18:00 sharp. Parking is free after 4pm Monday-Friday, beside the Library just off Bedford Road.

Please note there are limited spaces available. If you find you are unable to come along please contact us so that others can be offered the opportunity to attend.

With thanks to the University of Aberdeen Engineering Department

Aberdeen Branch Evening Meeting – Late Life Challenges and Managing the Risks

Mature assets have many challenges of which can offer risk and uncertainty that require to be mitigated.  These challenges in many cases can only be achieved with the adoption of innovation and technology; in many respects the UK has led the way in many creative approaches to address the day-to-day late life challenges, which have been applied globally. This event will share case studies that reflect how innovation and technology can overcome some of these challenges. Plus a technology byte, showing how locally we have a great representation of budding subsea engineers in this global subsea environment.

Chairperson: Tony J.A. Laing (Laing Associates – Independent Technology and Business Consultant)

Technology Byte; Marine Advanced Technology Education – from Scotland to NASA

Presentation – SUT 20 April 2016 MATE

Presenter; Graeme Dunbar (Robert Gordon’s University)

Budding engineers from the winning Scottish secondary school are bidding for the international finals of the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) at the NASA Space Centre in Houston in June, this presentation will offer us a flavour of the regional contestants pitch and how as a global subsea sector we are committed to innovation and education. The Scottish Regional Finals were held on 31st March.

Company; Maersk and SubC

Presenters;  Daniel Warrick (Head of Subsea – Maersk Oil) and Neil Parry (Director of Project Development – Sub C Partner)

Title; In-situ Replacement

Presnetation – SUBCP-SUT-20-04-2016-PDF

The presentation will demonstrate through with the recent Maersk GP03 FPSO  buoyancy module replacement case study how subsea innovation can be engineered and delivered to meet operational and economic challenges faced by Operators.  This will focus on how key technical and operational criteria were met whilst maintaining the optimal balance with HSEQ and cost effectiveness.

Company: Tracerco

Presenter: Lee Robins (Subsea Manager)

Title: Knowing the unknown, and mitigating uncertainty in pipeline inspection

Presentation – Tracerco Discovery for SUT Aberdeen – 20 April 2016

This presentation will share with you via case studies how uncertainty of pipeline integrity and flow assurance issues underneath insulation, in both complex pipelines and flexibles, can be mitigated by using computed tomography (CT) technology.  Tracerco rose to the recognised industry challenge by developing their subsea CT scanner (a world’s first) within a 2 year period, from inception to the first commercial project.  Since then Tracerco has addressed a range of challenges both from deep water to late life mature assets and complex geometries, providing real time data to assist the technical authorities to make rapid decisions.

Company; Shell (BG Tunisia)

Presenter; Adnan Razzouk (Shell/BG Tunisia) Project Manager & Phill Roberts (Woodgroup Kenny) Project Manager

Title: R1D Project Case study

Presentation – Shell_BG Tunisia SUT Presentation 20 April 2016

This presentation demonstrates a project example of how a late life challenge has embraced innovative thinking in dealing with common matters that could help reduce IRM costs, whilst maintaining safe and steady operation. It is based on an ongoing project activity to pro-actively repair a subsea Xmas tree defect at the flowbase, the defect is located within the flowbase connector downstream of the choke insert. The presentation will explain the option select process and the innovative options that were assessed and compared with the more costly traditional option of  simply replacing the Xmas Tree.

Melbourne – ETM: Diving & ROV Forum

SUT Melbourne presents a documentary film on the successful rescue of a diver who became detached from his umbilical and was stranded on the seabed, created by Bibby Offshore.  It will be followed by Q&A panel discussion, with diving and ROV experts, and networking drinks.

To register for the event visit www.trybooking.com/KOII

Click here for flyer or for further information email Jennifer Maninin.

SUT + Careers Day Brunch at Oceanology International

On Thursday 17th March, Oceanology International 2016 welcomes students, graduates and post graduates seeking future career opportunities in the marine science and technology related fields. Organised in association with the SUT and IMarEST, the Careers Day reflects the commitment of the industry to foster the next generation of marine professionals.

10:00-12:30, Thursday 17th March

From Education to Industry

SUT+ has been created for developing professionals by developing professionals working in the marine and subsea industries in London and South of England. SUT Student membership is £15! The OI 2016 Careers Day Programme will kick off with a morning session hosted by the SUT+ Committee.

Breakfast will be provided at 10am. Attending students will be able to hear firsthand accounts from members of SUT+ on their journeys from graduation to securing jobs and their contribution to the marine industry. There will be an informal networking session afterwards where the students and graduates will have the chance to ask questions from the presenters and other SUT+ members.

For further information please click here or see the flyer here.

Oceanology International 2016

The Oceanology International event offers the world’s leading forum where industry, academia and government share knowledge and connect with the marine science and ocean technology communities.

Oceanology International’s world-class exhibition and conference help organisations reach buyers from key market regions and sectors worldwide and helps them improve their strategies for measuring, exploiting, protecting and operating in the world’s oceans.

For more information please click here.