SUT Annual General Meeting and Reception

Annual General Meeting and Reception

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Society for Underwater Technology will be held at 1800 on Monday 11 December 2017 at Trinity House, Tower Hill, London, EC3N 4DH.

  • Statutory Business
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Technical Presentation
    Presentation by Garry Momber
    ‘From wet and waterlogged to WW1: bringing shipwrecks back to life’
  • Wine and Cheese Reception
    Following the technical presentation, there will be a wine and cheese reception.

Only Members of the SUT (Individual Members and Corporate ‘named’ persons) are allowed to attend the AGM. There is no charge for the evening.

Non-members are welcome to attend the Awards Ceremony, the Presentation and the Reception at a charge of £20

The Leading Edge of Value-Based Subsea Inspection

We have experienced a tremendous rate of development in technological capability which has enhanced the efficiency of our operations. These include a significant decline in the cost of data processing and storage,
miniaturisation of subsea sensors, increased computing capacity, quick, reliable, wireless communications, increased utilization of subsea robotics and sophisticated data analytics and artificial intelligence. However,
within a cost constrained environment stakeholders must drive development towards a value based solution

The Society for Underwater Technology, The Hydrographic Society in Scotland and The International Marine Contractors Association invite you to our popular annual joint seminar.

Aberdeen Asset Management Suite, AFC, Pittodrie Stadium, Pittodrie St, Aberdeen AB24 5QH

Early bird rate £75 (available until 13th October)
Delegate rate £95

Payment and registration at  there will be no provision for payment on the door.

Sponsorship opportunities:
£300 – Includes pop-up in the exhibition space, hospitality box for technical demonstrations (available between 1100-1200) and a single-entry ticket.

Event Program

11:00 Registration opens (there will be no provision for payment on the door)

11:00-12:00 Pre-presentation technical demonstrations and exhibition

11:45-12:45 Lunch available

12:45-13:00 Welcome and introduction from Chairs – Gordon Drummond (Project Director for NSRI) & John Osborne (Subsea Engineering Technical Authority at BP).

13:00-14:10 Session 1

– BP: BP’s Approach to Smarter Underwater Inspection.
– ASV: Use of Collaborative Autonomous systems for Subsea inspection.
– MMT: Solving the Value Equation – Surveyor Interceptor: Subsea Pipeline inspection with a Vengeance.

14:10-14:30 Coffee break and exhibition

14:30-15:40 Session 2

– Force: FiGS® – a game changer in value-based subsea inspection.
– Comex: New underwater contactless metrology and inspection approach using photogrammetric integrated system.
– Cathx Ocean: Automating Precision Inspection.

15:40-16:00 Coffee break and exhibition

16:00-17:10 Session 3

– Oceaneering: Inspection of unpiggable pipelines using tethered, in-line inspection tools.
– Astrimar: Predictive Subsea Integrity Management: Effective Tools and Techniques.
– Chevron TBC: operator roundup.

17:10-17:30 Chair roundup and close

Please click here for the flyer

Aberdeen Evening Meeting – Question Time


 What does the Future Hold for the Offshore Energy Sector?

The Aberdeen  Branch of the SUT is hosting a Question Time event to kick-off our new calendar year.  We have assembled a cross-industry panel and developed the themes to stimulate the debate on the future of the offshore energy industry, with emphasis on the all-important Subsea Technology Sector.  We look forward to welcoming you along to what promises to be “an evening with a difference”.

The 5-member panel for the evening includes:


Stephen Hall

Chief Executive of SUT

Chairman and Moderator for the evening


Professor Ekaterina Pavlovskaia

Director of Postgraduate Teaching,

School of Engineering, The University of Aberdeen


Ronnie Quinn

Chief Executive, Crown Estate Scotland


Paul  W. White

Director – Subsea Technology, GE Oil and Gas


Dave MacKinnon

Head of Technological Innovation, Total UK


There will be at least 3 areas to be explored during the evening, with supplementary discussion involving the panel and the audience.  The main themes for our Question Time are;

  • The Shape of Future Subsea Developments on the UKCS

  • Political Issues Impacting Future Developments on the UKCS

  • The impact of the Low Carbon Transition to Technologies and Contractors in the subsea sector


Please click here for the flyer

Aberdeen Evening Meeting – Pipeline Management

Pipeline Management

Presentations from:

Adrian Griffiths, Shell  

Subsea Intelligent Pigging   Click here for the presentation

As a conclusion to Shell’s Pipeline Integrity Project, the inspection of the Penguins production pipelines in 2016 presented the opportunity to combine many of the lessons leaned over the previous 5 years of planning and executing similar inspections from a DSV.  The subsea launch and receive of the infield 10” Pipeline, and the subsea launch and platform receive of the 16” Pipeline each presented technical, safety and resource challenges.

Damian Ling, Chevron  Click here for the presentation 

Qualifying an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Pipeline Inspection

Chevron have been qualifying an AUV for pipeline inspection.  Damian will present the project requirements, functional specification and discussing current progress and results achieved.

Brendan Hyland, WFS-Technology  Click here for the presentation 

Reducing Costs through Subsea Wireless Automation

This paper explores the latest subsea wireless products relevant to pipeline automation technologies, including hybrid wireless, Subsea Internet of Things and Subsea Cloud Computing for increasing production, reducing operating and asset integrity management costs and extending asset life.

Click here for the meeting report by Martin Harley 

Please note – Ample parking is available at the Robert Gordon University and is free after 4pm, the closest car park is directly opposite the entrance to the Sir Ian Wood building. Registration open from 5:30pm. Presentations will run from 18:00 until 19:30 and will be followed by a networking buffet.

Perth – AOG Exhibition & Conference

The annual Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference (AOG) makes an exciting return to the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre from the 14 -16 of March, 2018. This event will showcase the oil and gas industry over three days with Australia’s leading Exhibition, a free Conference program and premium industry networking opportunities.

To register for your FREE pass visit

Click here for Subsea Conference Program

Come along to the Subsea Welcome Drinks   and chat to some of the SUT Committee members. Use discount code ‘SUT10’ to receive 10% discount.

Come and get involved with SUT at AOG

To view all photos from this event click here.

MTS / IEEE OCEANS ’17 – A Vision for our Marine Future

With preparations for the 60th MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference in Aberdeen now well underway, key plenary speakers have been secured, exhibition space is filling up and patronage support, including gold patronage from Subsea UK, indicates a strong performance for the conference.

The conference covers all aspects of ocean science, technology and engineering, including special topics focusing on the region’s expertise.

To visit the official site click here

SUT+ Lloyd’s of London Tour

Join the SUT + and Lloyd’s Marine Under 35s group for a tour of the Lloyds building.   The iconic, Grade I listed Lloyd’s of London building is accurately described as “the world’s leading specialist insurance market” and is a place where those selling insurance coverage (underwriters) make contact with those buying insurance on behalf of clients worldwide (brokers). The Richard Rogers design boasts external utilities and open floor areas, uncluttered by building services and pillars with around 2,700 underwriting seats on the trading floors.’

Cost: Pay the tour fee of £15.00pp  at the venue –  but Pre-Registration is Required!

15.45 Registration – 16.00 Tour

17.30 Lloyds bar – 19.30 Factory House Bar

Drinks in the Lloyds bar afterwards, kindly subsidised by Beazleys

Entry to Factory House bar 37 Leadenhall Place, EC3M 7AA for further networking with underwriters and brokers.

For more information on Lloyd’s visit 

SPE Offshore Europe

SPE Offshore Europe is Europe’s leading free to attend upstream oil and gas conference and exhibition. The conference, programmed in conjunction with the Society of Petroleum Engineers, features papers reviewed by a committee of industry leaders. There will be 65+ technical sessions covering topics including; decommissioning, data, subsea and safety. The exhibition features both global leaders and new innovative companies. New for this year is the decommissioning zone, the zone will feature a specialised exhibition area and a dedicated conference theatre.

The event takes place biennially; the next edition takes place 5 – 8 September in Aberdeen, UK.

Learn more and register to attend for free –


EEMUA – Subsea engineering: materials selection and corrosion control

This two and a half day training-only course delivered in English is aimed at engineers and others involved in the design, specification, commissioning, operation, maintenance, repair or refurbishment of underwater oil and gas production equipment and related facilities. The course is also relevant to engineers, managers and quality/integrity assurance engineers from operating companies and specialist subsea contractors.

For more information please click here.