OSIGp July 2023 – Offshore Geohazards and Geotechnics Course

The Society for Underwater Technology – OSIGp are thrilled to announce our biennial geo-focused course is back this year, bringing in new topical contents to the table.

TITLE: “OSIGp Geohazards & Geotechnics Course for Offshore O&G and Windfarm Developments

DATE: Thursday, 20 July – Friday, 21 July 2023

VENUE: OceanWorks Lounge, The University of Western Australia

This two-day course explains offshore geology, geohazards and geotechnical engineering, adopting a holistic approach to show how they interact and how an improved understanding of all three disciplines can lead to optimised infrastructure solutions, with applications on offshore oil and gas and windfarm developments.

It is aimed at an audience with no or limited knowledge of geosciences. The course is suitable for subsea and offshore operators and contractors from both the oil and gas and offshore renewable industries, anyone who is a part of the supply chain that supports the operation or maintenance of offshore and subsea systems, students and academics who want to learn about industry practices in offshore geotechnics, and those returning or new to the subsea industry.

Our team has put in a lot of effort to ensure that this course is keeping abreast with the on-going energy transition in Australia (and beyond), and how a good understanding of geoscience and geotechnics, coupled with our rich experience in the oil and gas, can all contribute positively to this transition. Featuring an impressive roster of industry experts from renowned companies, this course is your chance to learn from the best in the business.

Geohazards & Geotechnics Course Fees:

Earlybird rates apply to all bookings paid by 20 June 2023. All bookings received from 21 June 2023 will be charged at the standard rate. Prices below are inclusive of GST.

FULL course (2-days):

  • Earlybird – members: AUD$1200.
  • Earlybird – non-members: AUD$1430.
  • Members: AUD$1495.
  • Non-members: AUD$1780.
  • Students: AUD$480.




To view the program: please download the flyer (please note: program may be subject to change)

To view the post-event report: please click OSIGp Geohazards Course 2023 Post-Event Report

For further information about this course, please email our Events Team [email protected]

Thank you to the following organisations for presenting at this course:








Perth – Subsea Awareness Course: May 2023

SUT-Perth invite you to attend our Subsea Awareness Course on 1 – 5 May 2023











This five-day Course has been designed by industry and is suitable for contractors, engineers, operators and those new to subsea, those transferring from other disciplines within the industry and those who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a refresher course and exposure to the latest technology.

Whilst most of the course will be presented in a ‘classroom’ environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learnt.  In particular, hands-on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view software models and products destined for subsea service.

The course also hosts two site visits, taking delegates out of the classroom and into the real life subsea industry plus a networking event on the first day of the course.

Subsea Awareness Course fees:

Member $3685 AUD
Non-member $4450 AUD
Student Member $950 AUD

Program & Registration 

To view or download flyer click HERE

For further information for this course please email our Events Team

Perth – April 2023 Evening Technical Meeting: Our floating future in Offshore Renewables

Image courtesy of DOF Subsea

The Society for Underwater Technology invite you to the April 2023 Evening Technical Meeting:

Theme: Our floating future in Offshore Renewables – Australian Developments, Geotech & Floating Technology

Date: Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Time: 5.30 – 8.30pm AWST

Venue: Parmelia Hilton Perth

The evening will focus on the following three topics and one case study:


by Andy Evans – Oceanex

Abstract TBC


Sean Van Steel – CoreMarine

Floating offshore wind is at the cusp of becoming a commercial market. The optimisation of the wind field layout is critical for a cost effective project in both fixed and floating wind. However, the parameters for field optimisation in floating wind are significantly more complex than those in the mature, fixed wind industry.

We argue that this is primarily driven by the introduction of a mooring and dynamic cabling system.

How these additional variables alter the layout and the key CAPEX effects will be discussed.

We will present a techno/economic approach to the development of the mooring system layout for the optimisation of yield and wake losses.


by Damon Sunderland – Arup

Offshore wind developments must consider geotechnical risks at offshore wind turbine generators and offshore sub-stations, in the vicinity of offshore cabling, at shore crossings and at ports for construction and load-out. Australia presents some common and some unique geotechnical risks. These are often understood by local offshore oil and gas practitioners but on occasion are new to international wind practitioners establishing themselves in Australia. These geo risks shall be discussed in Damon’s presentation along with selected case studies and guidance on the planning and execution of offshore ground investigations.


Case Study by Norman Mackay – DOF Subsea


Equinor’s Hywind Tampen is the world’s first renewable power source for an offshore oil and gas facility and has a system capacity of 88 MW and is currently the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm. Located 140kms off the Norwegian coast in 260 – 300m water depth, it will consist of 11 wind turbines which are installed on floating concrete structures with a shared anchoring system which are tied back to the oil and gas facilities via an inter cable array to provide renewable power.


Click HERE for event flyer

Thank you to our event sponsors:


For sponsorship and event enquiries, please contact:
SUT Perth Branch. Tel: +61 (0) 8 9481 0999
Email: Events Team ([email protected])

Perth – February 2023 Evening Technical Meeting: Decommissioning

The Society for Underwater Technology invite you attend our February Evening Technical Meeting:


Image: Violetta J. Brosig, Blue Media, Exmouth


Date: Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Time: 5.30 – 8.30pm AWST

Venue: Parmelia Hilton Perth

The evening will focus on the following three topics:


by Iain Wylie – Oceaneering

Developed and manufactured in Perth for export, a Vessel-based Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) methodology and suite of equipment was created to gain access to the multiple annular spaces of subsea wellheads for testing and remediation prior to wellhead severance. Conventionally, annular abandonment is conducted by rigs through the wellhead connector using a snubbing unit and perforation equipment to get cement into the annular spaces. Alternatively, saturation divers have used manual multi-string hot tapping units for the same task. Our method was four times faster than a jack-up rig, and an order of magnitude less expensive than a saturation diving campaign without the risk of divers in the water. This presentation will review the objectives, development of the methodology, the equipment and summarize the offshore campaign


Grant Brunsdon– Chevron

Given aging assets and increased focus on decommissioning in the local O&G industry it is important to learn from challenges faced by the early decommissioning projects.

The Thevenard Island (TVI) facilities, off the coast of Onslow, consisted of an oil and gas processing plant, accommodation and wells on Thevenard Island with nine offshore wellhead platforms, associated subsea pipelines and a tanker loading area. The asset ceased operations in 2014 and has been on a pathway to decommissioning across all facets (wells, onshore plant, offshore platforms and subsea pipelines) since.

The project has completed various Regulatory approvals, cessation of production cleaning, onshore well P&A, offshore well P&A, Onshore facilities decommissioning and island remediation. Current activities include planning for platform removals, planning for pipeline retirement and island landform rehabilitation. There have been many challenges along the journey this is an opportunity to share and discuss some of the experiences.

The presentation will provide an overview of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) and sonar technologies and how they can be used in Defence applications such as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), mine countermeasures, seabed survey and inspection / monitoring of critical infrastructure.


by Tim Grose & James Florisson – Recfishwest

King Reef became Australia’s first integrated artificial reef in 2018 repurposing steel structures donated by BHP from the Griffin Field augmented with purpose-built concrete reef modules. The reef was a result of a five-year community vision, which was expanded due to the formation of a consortium including the state government, academia, petroleum industry, engineers and Recfishwest). King Reef experienced rapid colonisation post deployment, exceeding the abundance, species diversity and biomass of fishes observed at natural reef and sand habitats in the Exmouth Gulf, in fact over 100 species of fish were observed through community monitoring in the first four years. As expected, (but not scientifically proven until now) the repurposed steel structures had the highest mean fish abundance, species diversity and biomass of all the reef structures.

The reef is now championed by the local recreational fishing community, supported by funded reef monitoring and citizen science projects from BHP and now Woodside Energy and is a pioneer of successful marine habitat enhancement utilising repurposed assets from the Petroleum Industry. Since King Reef’s success, Recfishwest and partners have been leading the way in exploring how the recreational fishing community (as WA’s largest aquatic user group) can enjoy, champion and advocate for the creation, enhancement and retention of more integrated reefs, especially amongst WA’s offshore oil and gas landscape. This is not just an engineer’s world anymore, the fishing community arguably get more excitement from subsea structures than anyone else on the environment.


Click HERE for event flyer

Thank you to our sponsors:

Contact: SUT (08) 9481 0999 or email [email protected]

OSIGp – Decommissioning Event

The Society for Underwater Technology invite you to the:

OSIGp Geo-Insights & Field Experiences on Offshore Subsea Decommissioning

The evening will focus on the following three topics:

  1. External dredging of jacket platforms in preparation for decommissioning

    Ercan Kökden, Senior Geotechnical Engineer / Field Engineer, Allseas

    During the recent decommissioning of jacket platform structures in the North Sea, Allseas designed and operated its own pile dredging spread. This presentation presents challenges and outcomes encountered during the development and first commercial use of the pile dredging spread.

  2. Subsurface Information for Well Abandonment

    Sheila Mackay, Principal Geophysicist (Geohazards) | GeoScience, Woodside

    Once a well has fulfilled its purpose, be that exploration, appraisal or development it needs to be permanently abandoned. Barriers are designed such that individual pressure compartments in the subsurface are isolated from each other and seabed. The subsurface information required to identify the pressure compartments requires numerous datasets and a multi-disciplined team. This talk discusses the workflow implemented by subsurface specialists at Woodside Energy when planning the permanent abandonment of wells.

  3. Some Geotechnical Considerations for Decommissioning Offshore Infrastructure

    Prof. Susan Gourvenec, Professor of Offshore Geotechnical Engineering, University of Southampton

    This presentation will explore some geotechnical considerations for decommissioning offshore infrastructure considering both retrieval and in situ decommissioning. Research outcomes of the changing properties of the seabed over the life of the structure, and the impact on recovery loads or the in-place stability of infrastructure that is decommissioned in situ will be presented.


Date: Tuesday, 25th October 2022

Venue: The Melbourne Hotel (Karingal 2 Rm), 33 Milligan Street, Perth


  • 5.30pm: Registration
  • 6.00pm – 7.00pm: Presentations
  • 7.00pm – 8.00pm: Networking including drinks and finger food

To view the flyer, please click here


For further enquiries, please contact OSIGp directly by emailing: Manuel Herduin ([email protected])

Thank you to our event sponsor:







YES! Subsea Industry Career Panel

The SUT invite you to the YES! University Career Panel Event



Date: Wednesday, 5th October 2022

Venue: CURTIN UNIVERSITY – Kent Street, Bentley, W.A. 6102

Location: Bldg 204 ; Room 233:LT – Shilbury Lecture Theatre (located in the School of Mines) – Map Ref Grid O-12

Please refer to Curtin University Campus Map or Shilbury Lecture Theatre Info


  • 5.30pm – 6pm: registration
  • 6pm – 7pm: presentations
  • 7pm – 8.30pm: networking session with food/drinks

*NOTE: This event can also be attended remotely(via TEAMS).


To view the flyer, please click here


Thank you to our event sponsor:





For more info, please contact: SUT (08) 9481 0999 or [email protected]

Main Image by Wan San Yip on Unsplash

London & South of England Branch – Return of the Annual Pub Quiz

Where is Point Nemo and why is it significant? What is the Denmark Strait Cataract?

It has been three long years since our last pub quiz back in 2019. I know Dem Demetriou was our expert Quiz Master and I think Wood won (I am happy to be corrected on this).

All Learned Members of the SUT are invited to attend the London and South East Branch’s 6th Annual Pub Quiz at the Ye Olde Watling, 29 Watling Street, EC4M 9BR.  Planned start time 7pm, probable finish time 10pm with a buffet served between rounds.

Corporate Members are invited to send teams (5-person teams are ideal); individual members can form a winning team on the night.

There is a limit on 50 attendees due to space restrictions at the venue and as such all teams and persons are encouraged to pre-register to avoid bitter disappointment on the night.

Following the quiz, there will be ample opportunity to toast success or drown sorrows at the bar.

Our Quiz Master on the night will be Bob Inglis.

A Special Thank You to our sponsors



SUT+ Webinar – The O2, The World’s Most Powerful Floating Tidal Turbine

Webinar | Wednesday, 28 September 2022 | 13:30 – 14:30 BST

FREE to attend

Speaker – John Bowman, Mechanical Engineer, Orbital Marine Power

The O2 is generating clean energy in the waters around Orkney using the power of the tides. In this presentation, John shall cover the challenges involved with harnessing this incredible renewable resource, the benefits of floating tidal, and the process of building this ground-breaking machine.


  • Introduction to Orbital Marine
  • Introduction to Tidal Energy
  • Overview of the O2 Device
  • Overview of Challenges and the Floating Turbine Solution
  • Building the O2
  • Q&A Session

LIVE WEBINAR: Hydrogen – the Hype and Reality

WEBINAR on 22 AUGUST: ???????? – ??? ???? ??? ???????
Tickets are ???? for SUT members

Have you registered to attend our inaugural Energy Transition joint webinar in collaboration with PESA Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia – Energy Transition Special Interest Group (ETSIG).

Many areas of the world have made commitments to reduce their carbon emissions, giving rise to electrification, renewable energy developments and future fuel industries such as hydrogen and its derivatives.

The hydrogen industry is in its nascent phase and whilst there is progress in its development, the gaps need identifying, risks need addressing and barriers overcome before it can reach its full potential.

In this talk, we will understand the current status of the industry and unpack the key challenges such as the lack of end-use markets, economics, infrastructure and safety to achieve a pragmatic view of the effort required to mature the industry.

Topic: ???????? – ??? ???? ??? ???????
Guest Speaker: Diane Hinson (Advisian)
Date: ??????, ???? ??????, ????
Time: ??:???? – ??:???? (????? ????)
12:30pm – Darwin, Adelaide
1:00pm – Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney

If you’re an SUT member, you get to attend this webinar for ????!
Please email ? [email protected] to get your special code

To book your tickets➡️WEBINAR