Join us for a SUT-US Networking Event: Champagne and Conversation with Geeta Thakorlal, President of INTECSEA.
The networking event aims to bring together women professionals working in the broad oil and gas industry as an effort to highlight the importance of their contributions in the sector. This is a unique opportunity to meet and interact with other women from the industry, but also to participate in an open discussion with Mrs. Thakorlal.
Companies interested in signing up as a group, see sponsorship opportunities below or contact us at [email protected] for a group reservation.
Cost of the event: $35 members and $40 non-members
(cash bar)
Champagne & Conversation is SUT-US’s inaugural event for women in the energy industry. SUT-US is committed to providing opportunities for women to learn and network by developing more editions of this event to the future.
Event sponsored by:

PennWell SUT-US Sponsor
For full details and to register please click here.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Grand Cru Sponsor
Sponsorship amount: $1,500
- Offshore sponsorship includes 10 invites
- Company name displayed on all advertising materials
- Name and logo displayed on all electronic mailings
- Posts on LinkedIn: SUT-US Page and SUT-US Offshore Site Investigation Geotechnics Group
- Online registration is managed by SUT-US
- Marketing table at event
- Drink tickets provided
- Appetizers
Premier Sponsor
Sponsorship amount: $500
- Platform sponsorship includes 5 invites
- Company name displayed on all advertising materials
- Name and displayed on all electronic mailings
- Posts on LinkedIn: SUT-US Page and SUT-US Offshore Site Investigation Geotechnics Group
- Marketing table at event
- Online registration is managed by SUT-US
- Drink tickets provided
- Appetizers
All proceeds generated from this event help to support SUT-US learning programs.
In dynamic soil-structure interaction problems soil damping is an important consideration for assessing both limit state and fatigue conditions as well as ground response for earthquake conditions. It is also, relative to the strength and stiffness characterization of the soil, less clearly understood by geotechnical engineers. Part of the challenge is that for soils the damping is derived from two sources. Radiation or geometric damping is frequency dependent as well as dependent on the geometry of the soil-structure system. The greater the likelihood of transmitting energy away from the foundation (or pipeline) the greater the damping. The second source of damping is material damping which depends on the soil non-linearity and is therefore dependent on the amplitude of the displacements. How these two sources of damping are combined is also challenging.
The webinar will present several examples demonstrating how damping levels are often underestimated. The examples will focus on field data, model test results and numerical simulations to evaluate damping levels. Observed field response of building under earthquakes, model test results of conductors and offshore steel jackets, and the ground response for a thick clay deposit will be presented. Finally results of numerical simulations of a pipe embedded at the seafloor and subjected to vertical excitation will be discussed. In this case the radiation and material damping components are independently identified and a combination rule proposed. The damping levels in these simulations were found to be much greater than damping values recommended in existing codes. These higher damping values can have a significant impact when evaluating fatigue life for pipelines subjected to slugging or for evaluating acceptable span lengths.
About the Presenter
Edward C. Clukey, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, earned his masters and bachelors degrees from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and his doctorate from Cornell University. He is a registered professional engineer in California and Texas, a member of the Society of Underwater Technology and a Diplomate in ASCE for both Geotechnical and Ocean Engineering. For the past 45 years, Dr. Clukey has focused on offshore geotechnical engineering for the development of oil and gas reserves. His research at Cornell and in the early part of his professional career addressed problems on wave-seafloor interaction. He was Geotechnical Advisor at BP America (1998-2015) and worked on deepwater foundation, geotechnical aspects of pipelines and risers, as well as geotechnical aspects of earthquake and arctic engineering. Previously, he helped initiate the marine geotechnical program for the U. S. Geological Survey in California (1976-78) and prior to his BP experience worked for McClelland Engineers (1983-1985) and Exxon Production Research (1985-1998)). Since1991 he has been actively involved with the development of suction caisson technology for deepwater applications. This work resulted in over ten publications on the topic and the installation of over 100 suction caissons throughout the world for BP. He chairs the API task group which has developed industry guidelines for geotechnical aspects of conductors, risers and pipelines, now currently in both in API and ISO design documents. Throughout his career he has championed the use of centrifuge model testing and advanced numerical models to address complex offshore geotechnical technical issues, managing ten centrifuge programs for problems related to ice gouging of the seafloor, suction caisson technology, piles capacity in Angolan soils, conductor and SCR fatigue, and the seismic response of steel jacket structures and subsea manifolds. Since his retirement from BP he has become an active committee member in COPRI developing a standard practice for renewable energy as well as a member of the ASCE Geo-Institute developing guidelines for the risk and reliability of geotechnical structures and foundations. He is now a yearly lecturer at MIT and Cornell University and has a working relationship with the multi-disciplinary company, The Jukes Group. Dr. Clukey is the author of 55 technical publications and his experience covers many regions throughout the world.
For further details and to register please click here.

Join us as Andrew Meyers, Associate Director at Westwood Global Energy Group, reviews the current macro situation and present the Westwood Global Energy deepwater outlook for 2018-2022. The outlook analyzes how prolonged low oil price has impacted the deepwater market, with operators considering alternative development options and delaying the sanctioning of new projects, whilst trying to protect returns on their existing investments in the sector.
About the presenter
Andrew Meyers Associate Director Westwood Global Energy Group Andrew began his career as an analyst at Anadarko Petroleum where he gained experience working across multiple asset groups throughout the company. He joined Douglas-Westwood’s Houston office in 2014 with over decade of experience in the energy sector. Prior to joining DW, Andrew was a Project Lead in the Market Intelligence practice for a boutique consulting firm where he assisted corporate and financial clients in market analysis, decision analysis, M&A due diligence, commercial analysis, strategy development, market forecasting, technology strategic marketing and benchmarking. His experience spans the upstream, midstream, downstream, industrial, oilfield service and renewable energy sectors. Andrew holds a BBA in Finance from Texas Tech University and a Master of Business Administration from Duke University.
For more information and to register, please click here.
Delivering safe, reliable and cost-effective solutions to complex and challenging problems is the ultimate goal in our industry. Currently, the codes and standards lack specific guidance on geotechnical soil modelling for pipelines and SCRs (steel catenary risers) and strength analyses. Therefore, SUT-US is organizing this 1 -day workshop to provide a platform to stimulate a discussion and interaction between industry and researchers, and highlight the current state-of-practice and knowledge gaps in pipelines and SCRs.
Workshop topics:
- Current practice in soil modelling for pipelines and SCRs, and knowledge gaps
- Implications of knowledge gaps in the current practice on delivery of safe, reliable, and cost effective engineering solutions
- Recent developments made towards addressing knowledge gaps and performance feedback
- Field monitoring and evaluation of predictive tools
- Mitigation and control methods
- Future activities needed to address knowledge gaps
Workshop program
Title of Presentation |
Presenter |
NGI Experience in pipe-soil interaction analysis |
Antonio Borges, NGI Perth |
1-g model testing of pipelines |
Vishal Dantal, NGI Houston |
The impact of soil damping on pipeline fatigue and spanning |
Ed Clukey, The Jukes Group |
3D evaluation of pipe-soil interaction for lateral buckling |
Ryan Phillips, C-CORE |
Seismic design of pipeline systems: Design Approach |
Aiman Al-Showaiter, Wood Group |
Vertical soils springs for risers design |
Charles Aubeny, Texas A&M University |
Risk based integrity management of pipelines and SCRs |
Partha Sharma, DNV GL |
Comparison of SCR fatigue damage from frequency-and time-domain analyses |
Dilip Maniar, Stress Engineering Services Inc. |
Irregular wave flixible riser simulations and fatigue life calculations |
Arya Majed, Intecsea |
Geohazard management program for oils and gas pipeline networks |
Alex Baumgard, BGC |
Pipeline integrity monitoring for geohazards |
Rodolfo Sancio, Geosyntec |
Modelling spatial variability in as-laid embedment for HPHT pipeline design |
Zack Westgate, Fugro |
Laser ID profilometry applications for pipeline integrity and line pipe end geometries/baselines |
Brandon McGinn, LaserStream |
Panel Discussion |
Ed Clukey, Charles Aubeny & Vishal Dantal |
For full details on the event please click here or to register please click here.
For event information contact Patsy Rhymes: [email protected]
For registration information contact Araceli Lopez: [email protected]
This 4-day course has been suitably designed for engineers and others new to the offshore industry, or those transferring from other disciplines within the industry. This course is also great for engineers who have worked in subsea previously but would benefit from a refresher course and exposure to the latest technology. The modules are presented by key supply and service companies in the subsea sector and will be hosted on their premises.
While most of the course will be presented in a classroom environment, the sessions will be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss what has been learned. In particular, hands-on and visual components have been included wherever possible to enable delegates to view software models and products destined for subsea service.
Day 1 Technip
- Field Development Planning
- Systems Engineering
- Floating Production Systems
- Development Strategies Shell
- Subsea Operations Case Study
- Thunderhorse Model Tour
Day 2 BP
- Subsea Controls
- Flow Assurance
- Control Fluids
- Umbilicals presentation
- Umbilicals Tour
Day 3 FMC
- Subsea Trees
- Systems Approach
- Subsea Completions
- Manifolds & Tie In Systems
- Systems Integration
- Pipeline Installation
- Tour
Day 4 Oceaneering
- ROVs
- Subsea Processing
- Oceaneering Tour
- Operators Perspectives
For full event details please click here or to register please click here.
For event information contact Patsy Rhymes: [email protected]
For registration information contact Araceli Lopez: [email protected]
Professional networking is the cornerstone of individual and business success. Do you shy away from networking? Do you get nervous walking into a noisy room full of strangers? This valuable skill can be learned. This interactive development session will be facilitated by Ron Gibson, an expert on professional networking. Come along to learn new skills and gain confidence in your next networking session.
Click here for flyer.
To book a ticket click here
In January 2017, the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was called off after a three-year, $200 million effort to scan 46,000 square miles of seabed found no sign of the plane. However, with Ocean Infinity stepping forward to restart the search under a “no find, no fee” deal, many in the industry are questioning this high-risk gambit. In this technical event, we explore the previous challenges and milestones encountered by industry and research professionals in the search for MH370.
Click here for flyer
This is a non-SUT event please book directly via this link
Each year the SUT, Subsea Energy Australia and Subsea UK team up with Diversified to put together the Subsea Forum Conference Programme at the Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference.
AOG, staged in Perth is a showcase of the oil and gas industry over three days with Australia’s leading oil and gas exhibition, a free-to-attend Conference program and premium industry networking opportunities.
Registration is free and is now open
For further info visit the AOG 2019 website.

NSRI MasterminingTM: Wave and Tidal workshop
The workshop will bring together the wave and tidal and subsea oil and gas sectors to explore opportunities for collaboration for mutual benefit. The event will build on the OPIN (Ocean Power Innovation Network) and Opportunity North East event held in June last year – as well as the in-depth research undertaken by National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI) in collaboration with ORE Catapult & Energy Technology Partnership (ETP).
This workshop aims to explore the technical challenges and opportunities within the wave and tidal energy industry, by enabling new market opportunities. It will also identify priorities that will offer impact to the wave and tidal sectors, identifying target opportunities for the subsea supply chain.
Event organiser: National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI)
Venue: AECC, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8BL
Who should Attend: Companies from the wave and tidal and oil and gas sectors (subsea in particular) looking for diversification opportunities through collaborative projects.